Love, Noah , Cheryl, Isabelle & Benjamin
For the first time in as long as my memory recalls, I did not send out cards this doesn't feel right, but I hope to be back on the Polar Express track next year! There is still so much to do before the big day (tomorrow, hehe), but whatever will be will be. I just plan on listening to lots of Christmas music today, finish up baking, start wrapping and EnJoY. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to in this upcoming year. God Bless our family & friends. May the best be your always! Hugs & Love.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Programs = Precious
Here is the Preschool Christmas Program Production. At first Ben told me he was going to be a donkey, then he told me he was going to be a Shepherd, but then the day of when the children made their grand enterance, I realized that he was the part of Joseph. I can't even explain how precious these moments are. Watching these beautiful little children, come out and perform, Shy and innocent, so filled with wonder and magic. They defintely make this time such a special gift. Seriously, tears & joy witnessing these sweeties. Truly puts the meaning into Christmas, memories that I will always cherish.
I love how they do their own thing & each child adds their own specialness.
A little bit of Trimming
Sugar Cookies (I won't show you the candy cane ones, they were a bit of a disaster - hehe).
Our Tree
A few of the Teachers Gifts that I made. (these are called explosion boxes, you untie the ribbon and they kind of pop open to reveal the gift(s).
It seemed like I was sick for so long, I was so determined to get a few Christmas things done. I finally got to make some cookies and some peanutbutter balls (our very favorite around here). So that felt good! I hosted a brunch at my house for a special bunch of friends (this fall we had etablished a new group called: MOSAiC ((mothers of school aged children)). This group has been a true blessing, a gathering of wonderful women that I am so proud to call friends. If anyone local is interested in joining us, let me know, We would love for you to join us for our next meeting! Finally got all the house decorating done. Got the Childrens gifts mostly purchased (not wrapped). It feels like I will never catch up but at least I am in the running now.
Our big news around here is that Isabelle auditioned for the Spring Dance Recital of the Wizard Of Oz and she got the parts of : Poppy & Munchkin. "Well, I guess all my dreams have come true!" - Isabelle upon learning that she got those parts. She is thrilled to the moon. She can't wait to start rehearsing.
Animals Winter Fun
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
SnOw DaY
====MiSc. RoundUP====
We are in the midst of Christmas decorations. We got our tree this past weekend. If I remember correctly its a balsm fir. We did not chop it down this year, but got it at the grocery store for the going rate of 29.99. It's glorious though. I love how the kids put 27 ornaments on one branch. I love pulling out our favorite decorations from Christmas past...what joy. Still got more decorating to do but at least the process has begun. Along with the decor- our movies & music come out as well (O Holy Night my all time favorite song, A Christmas Story (with Ralphy) my favorite movie). What comfort and memories are wrapped in these delights. I don't have much shopping done at all though. That's been the hard part so far. Trying to shop without the kids...having ideas and...actually finding what I am looking for. I am considering skipping Christmas Cards this year for misc. reasons....which I know I would regret...I hope I can manage to send them, It would be weird not to. Other news: I had my 20 week ultrasound last week and I am proud to say that I remained completely strong and I did not find out the gender of this kid. Although the answer was right in front of me....I decided to keep this one a mystery. So folks...we won't know til this baby's or blue..? I've been reading lots lately. Just finished: The hour I first believed by wally lamb. Good but depressing. I also read a book about Christmas Miracles and also a book about How to Hear God (still reading this one). I have ordered from the library: Revolutionary Road because I saw the movie recently (netflix) and now I want to know some more in depth to the story. I am so excited (speaking of netflix), that Julie & Julia arrived today...I have wanted to see this movie since it came out, hopefully I can drug the kids later and watch it. Speaking of drugs , I should be on some because my throat hurts like heck. I am ill I believe but I am fighting it with every ounce of everything that I have got. So, I was going to bake with the kids today but I don't have any cream of tartar (which is a requirement) nor do I have walnuts. I don't know what I was going to do with the walnuts exactly, I just know I wanted to bake with them. Im not much of a baker. There are a few things I know but the rest is scary to me to be honest. This morning I whipped opened a can of cinnamon rolls to bake and I was quite proud that they turned out. Pathetic I know , but true. Ben has really been cracking me up lately. He thinks our tWee is so beautiful...and he has been sneaking into our bed because he doesnt want to have Whitemare's. He tells me that I am a nice girl and he likes me no matter what trouble he falls into, somehow he get's away. K, I've rambled and I have clothes to dry and maybe a nap to sneak in. Starm Warm & Well!
Thanksgiving 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
sorry there have been no posts for a bit. things got really busy crazy with the holidays and have not slowed down so far. I am trying to get a handle on thoughts & update coming soon! Love, C
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's froggy out.
Good Morning fellow humans. Hope you are warm & well these days. I cannot find my camera cord this a.m., so there will be no photographs to accompany my wonderful words. I can't believe how busy these days have been. They are running like a polar express. Don't know what I'll say this morning so I will just ramble some thoughts and be on my way. It's foggy out this morning, or as Isabelle always says: froggy. For some reason, she is in belief that froggy is the correct term. I say let it be. I went through my whole childhood saying many things fact there are still a few things that I just can't grasp correctly. My brain hears them differentlly then other people. Like I just don't hear the difference between the words: beer, bear, bare. Apparently, I say them wrong. SCHOOL PICTURES...So, I was so excited when school pictures finally came in, I opened Ben's and thought - cute kid, his hair is messy but it will do. Then I get Isabelle's package...and I open it up and I am in tears. High hopes pushed down the drain by a crooked forced painful smile that I can't possible put on the mantle and handout to the relatives to place in their wallets and hang on their fridge for a lovely year. So, the worst part is that I have this reaction right in front of Isabelle. Poor Kid (nice mom huh?). I don't know if I over-reacted due to hormones or tiredness or what...but I just felt so sad about her pictures. This beautiful amazing girl....posing a really "uncomfortable smile". So, she felt bad too and said she didnt like the picture (probably of course due to my crappy reaction) and I felt horrible and told her that I love the picture but, that her smile wasn't captured and I love to see her after much debate in my noggin and guilt...I decided to sign her up for retakes and hope for a better result. Since I am paying a pretty decent fee for these photos, I would like to at least take them out of the envelope. NETFLIX - we have finally signed up for this invention. So far it has been glorious besides the fact that the first movies we returned went missing in the u.s. mail system for a bit. They are now recovered and we can move on. I have offically whipped out the CHRISTMAS MUSIC. This is early for me, but I have had the strong desire to hear my favorite song of the season: O'Holy Night. There is a beautiful comfort in this song. o.k., I have to go now. Isabelle is up and she won't stop talking to me so now my brain is spinning and the dog jumped on the couch so I have to beat him. Fun stuff.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
leaves, crafts and wildlife. oh my!
See more of this super neato CIRCLE JOURNAL on my wish papers blog!
This is a really simple Autumn decoration I made with stuff around the house. Dried (and modge podged) leaves, twigs, candle, mason jar....whip it all together and a wonderment of fall pleasure appears to comfort and bring you warmth and joy. Yes, amazing.Cardinals! Those magical little beauties. There were at least 10 on the lawn here, I captured a few (on film...not in a net or cage). Side note: Should I be angry with the chunky cheeky squirrels not only because they very much taunt my dog (which tortures me), but also because they broke into the shed and have stolen all of the bird food, so I have none left to feed these joyous creatures? ugh Squirrels. Not on my favorite list lately.
Isabelle jumping into the leaves on a fine fall day.
Ben relaxing in the leaves on a fine fall day.
Big news in our household: Isabelle woke up yesterday and lost her 2nd tooth. Yes, her second tooth! Luckily the tooth fairy has remembered to visit and the child will be waking up momentarily to an enchanted gift (a note & some coins).
Big news in our household: Isabelle woke up yesterday and lost her 2nd tooth. Yes, her second tooth! Luckily the tooth fairy has remembered to visit and the child will be waking up momentarily to an enchanted gift (a note & some coins).
---OtHeR nOtEs ---
We have finally signed up for Netflix. Our first movies should arrive today.
Ben now likes "The Hulk" and doesn't want to wear a shirt.
We are having Salisbury Steak with Onion Gravy for dinner this evening.
Thats all I can think of to report as my brain has decided to take a siesta. (and the children are up)
Happy Veteran's Day to all of our past, present & future soldiers. Thank you & God Bless you.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Just a few notes.
no pictures to share at the moment, just a few notes.
The weather is soooo beautiful right now...I have the windows open...the breeze is gently blowing is almost feels like spring! Dr. Appt today - was uneventful = successful. Listened to the heartbeat again....such a miracle sound (Ben thinks it sounds like a train). My belly is getting big already...kind of crazy. Next appt. is in one month...that's the big ultrasound in which we can find out the gender. We found out with Isabelle and Ben...this one we are going to try and wait and keep it a surprise. So, on the day of the ultrasound, I may weaken....but I am truly going to try and be strong. We had teacher conferences yesterday. I am so proud of Isabelle and Ben, they are doing so wonderful in school. We have things to work on of course but overall things are going really well. It is so nice to hear what the teachers have to say in regards to their manners, attitudes, progress..etc. I know we are trying hard to raise these little people the best that we's good to see it is actually working. I'm drinking black tea. It's perfect right now, especially since I have been battling a cold that I hope stays at bay. I think for dinner tonight we will have soup/salad. Simple yet good. Looking forward to a quiet weekend. That's all for now, Happy Friday!
The weather is soooo beautiful right now...I have the windows open...the breeze is gently blowing is almost feels like spring! Dr. Appt today - was uneventful = successful. Listened to the heartbeat again....such a miracle sound (Ben thinks it sounds like a train). My belly is getting big already...kind of crazy. Next appt. is in one month...that's the big ultrasound in which we can find out the gender. We found out with Isabelle and Ben...this one we are going to try and wait and keep it a surprise. So, on the day of the ultrasound, I may weaken....but I am truly going to try and be strong. We had teacher conferences yesterday. I am so proud of Isabelle and Ben, they are doing so wonderful in school. We have things to work on of course but overall things are going really well. It is so nice to hear what the teachers have to say in regards to their manners, attitudes, progress..etc. I know we are trying hard to raise these little people the best that we's good to see it is actually working. I'm drinking black tea. It's perfect right now, especially since I have been battling a cold that I hope stays at bay. I think for dinner tonight we will have soup/salad. Simple yet good. Looking forward to a quiet weekend. That's all for now, Happy Friday!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
turn that frown upside down.
Welcome November! I do not like the artwork on my calendar for this November (I must admit I was disappointed when I flipped to this month only to see something non-super ((which is ducks...hello wheres the turkey?)).) I am adjusting to the time change pretty decently though.
Some people were asking to see our new rug and Noah's antique lion leather chair. Here are both items in one glorious picture.
These are some Matchbook Paintchip Notebooks in a fall like theme. I made these today in/for my Mosaic group. It was fun to see what designs everyone came up with. I know this looks disqusting. This was our dinner last night: Big Meatball Stew. It was truly excellent. The kids even loved it. Some ingredients include but are not limited to: ginormous meatballs, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, eggplant, mushrooms (yuk), thyme.
I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt like today was quite JUNK on many levels. I won't go into the details of the happenings. The things that happened really hurt, angered, & frustrated me. Let's just say one of the things almost lead me to punch out a very crabby librarian.
I sit here and I think about my challenging encounters today. I realize that I can't always please people, I cannot change or control people, I can't live in a bubble on an island by myself. My attitude is poor, my tolerance and my patience are wading at a very low level lately. It is one of those days that I feel beat up by the world so to say. I actually almost want to cry but cannot really pinpoint why. I just feel tired of so many things. I wish I knew how to handle these feelings and situations better...with grace, strength, and kindness, no matter what is shown or acted toward me. But lately, I just don't have it in me. I don't know which way to turn or how to solve some of these issues. I don't know what I am supposed to learn from some of these things and I don't know what I am supposed to just let go of. So, I will pray. I will pray for answers and compassion, wisdom and wonderful...I will pray for lots of wonderful.
I will end this post with a focus on a few of the very postive things that happened today/recently. The sun came out today. Last night , we saw a giant buck running behind the field/woods behind our house. This is the first "deer" we have seen since moving to town. Every morning our neighbor across the street leaves his newspaper on our doorstep for us and every morning that I see it there waiting, a smile embraces my heart. I have realized that I am approx 16 weeks along now in my pregnancy, that means I am getting there! Pretty soon I will start to feel the baby kick...and I must tell you there is almost nothing more magical on earth. I got many smiles and hugs and notes from misc. friends today...and if that doesn't tell me that maybe I am someone special, I don't know what does. So, here are just a few little miracles and moments that remind me that things are good and that I am blessed. Soon, I will end my day with hugs & kisses from my beautiful family and I will believe that tomorrow will be better. goodnight.
Some people were asking to see our new rug and Noah's antique lion leather chair. Here are both items in one glorious picture.
These are some Matchbook Paintchip Notebooks in a fall like theme. I made these today in/for my Mosaic group. It was fun to see what designs everyone came up with. I know this looks disqusting. This was our dinner last night: Big Meatball Stew. It was truly excellent. The kids even loved it. Some ingredients include but are not limited to: ginormous meatballs, tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, eggplant, mushrooms (yuk), thyme.
I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt like today was quite JUNK on many levels. I won't go into the details of the happenings. The things that happened really hurt, angered, & frustrated me. Let's just say one of the things almost lead me to punch out a very crabby librarian.
I sit here and I think about my challenging encounters today. I realize that I can't always please people, I cannot change or control people, I can't live in a bubble on an island by myself. My attitude is poor, my tolerance and my patience are wading at a very low level lately. It is one of those days that I feel beat up by the world so to say. I actually almost want to cry but cannot really pinpoint why. I just feel tired of so many things. I wish I knew how to handle these feelings and situations better...with grace, strength, and kindness, no matter what is shown or acted toward me. But lately, I just don't have it in me. I don't know which way to turn or how to solve some of these issues. I don't know what I am supposed to learn from some of these things and I don't know what I am supposed to just let go of. So, I will pray. I will pray for answers and compassion, wisdom and wonderful...I will pray for lots of wonderful.
I will end this post with a focus on a few of the very postive things that happened today/recently. The sun came out today. Last night , we saw a giant buck running behind the field/woods behind our house. This is the first "deer" we have seen since moving to town. Every morning our neighbor across the street leaves his newspaper on our doorstep for us and every morning that I see it there waiting, a smile embraces my heart. I have realized that I am approx 16 weeks along now in my pregnancy, that means I am getting there! Pretty soon I will start to feel the baby kick...and I must tell you there is almost nothing more magical on earth. I got many smiles and hugs and notes from misc. friends today...and if that doesn't tell me that maybe I am someone special, I don't know what does. So, here are just a few little miracles and moments that remind me that things are good and that I am blessed. Soon, I will end my day with hugs & kisses from my beautiful family and I will believe that tomorrow will be better. goodnight.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
The Loot, The Tooth & Other Notes
o.k., there is way too much candy in this house. Maybe we should give some to the squirrels.
Well, the biggest news of our day...Isabelle woke up on the morning of Halloween and her tooth came out! This is her first tooth we are saying goodbye to. She has been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember. Lately she has been wiggling this one in hopes for this result. We put her tooth in a sandwich bag and told her to keep it safe for the tooth fairy. Isabelle kept staring at her tooth all day and saying how beautiful it was. Isabelle called Grandparents to share the news, Isabelle opened the front window and screamed across the street to the neighbors her was such an amazing and glorious time. (after doing some research amongst my friends, I decided that the tooth fairy would bring: One dollar & a brand new Princess Toothbrush).
Other Noteworthys:
Noah and I are celebrating our 12 year wedding anniversary today (Nov. 1).
We bought a great new rug for the living room yesterday. I love it.
We are hosting Thanksgiving here this year and I am excited to start planning.
I've been feeling better for the most part. Enjoying this while it lasts!
Ben is starting to replace some of his ME's with I's and this makes me sad (because he is growing up). Example: Me want some milk. is now: I want some milk.
Happy Sunday Friends & Family, we are so blessed. Thanks for sharing in all our news.
The Cowboy & The Indian
All these pics are from Halloween day except the last one is a photo from the day before as Isabelle marches in her school parade. :) Halloween was a great success overall. The kids had a blast and we had no major costume malfunctions. It was a bit chilly during trick or treating...but the kids didn't seem to mind. Isabelle's biggest joy from her loot gathering was that someone gave her a can of Root beer (all her dreams came true). To end the evening the kids had magical chicken & stars soup and us adults had Chili & cornbread. We sat by the fireplace and discussed: Candy, Costumes & Ghosts.
Friday, October 30, 2009
FRANKly, I am avoiding the dishes.
I came across this cute kids craft online and thought, hey - I have all those materials here..and I could not resist one last craft before the holiday. Now, I have to gather enough stuff to make sure that Belle & Ben can make one too!
This is a tag/pocket book I just finished. More details on the wish papers blog. :)
o.k., a shower, dishes & laundry await me. Happy Friday ya-all!
Cowboy Ben
The day had finally arrived...the sun came up in the west and this little cowboy finally got to put his gear on...the class Halloween Party was about to take place.
I feel like Halloween has been going for a week straight already and we still have not gotten to the main event. We are trying to stay healthy and well rested and also keep the treats & sweets at a managable level. Today is Isabelle's class party. She is an Indian ((I took pictures at her dance class party but they didnt turn out well at all due to lightening so I will try and get some today)). I still have to get the cowboy and indian together...hopefully some nice outdoor pics. I keep on forgetting, I need to get our Halloween music out! I am defitnely in the mood for some Monster Mash and Time Warp! We are thrilled that Aunt Mary is coming out later today to spend the weekend with us. Halloween day, we are hoping for decent weather....get some trick or treating accomplished and then come home for Chili. Then....we can start focusing on the next holiday: Turkey Day!
Where's me horse?
Special Treat time at the Party.
I got to help with the party, it was so much fun! There is nothing more sweet than seeing a bunch of preschoolers in Halloween cosutmes....Princesses, cowboys, cowgirl, frankenstein, robot, dorothy, little red ridinghood, witch, batman, pirate.I feel like Halloween has been going for a week straight already and we still have not gotten to the main event. We are trying to stay healthy and well rested and also keep the treats & sweets at a managable level. Today is Isabelle's class party. She is an Indian ((I took pictures at her dance class party but they didnt turn out well at all due to lightening so I will try and get some today)). I still have to get the cowboy and indian together...hopefully some nice outdoor pics. I keep on forgetting, I need to get our Halloween music out! I am defitnely in the mood for some Monster Mash and Time Warp! We are thrilled that Aunt Mary is coming out later today to spend the weekend with us. Halloween day, we are hoping for decent weather....get some trick or treating accomplished and then come home for Chili. Then....we can start focusing on the next holiday: Turkey Day!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pumpkin Guts
I would rather sit on a PUMPKIN and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. - Henry David Thoreau
Oh the joys of Pumpkin Carving. The design idea....the guts flying...the sawing....
= The Children's final Masterpieces.
This is the part that I helped with! (Grandpa Paul & Celia helped with the carving). Anyone who knows me knows that I have a slight addiction to pumpkin seeds. This is the first time I have made them myself, besides a little too much veg. oil...they turned out quite excellent. In fact, maybe I should have some for breakfast...
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