Monday, January 16, 2012

flakes and feathers

 Olivia and I had inklings of colds, so we watched the sledders from the window.
 I get so excited to watch the birds come eat during a snow storm!  It's amazing.   Nothing like a Cardinal in the snow.
 Seriously, this is one of my favorite winter past times.  Nature just becomes so alive out there and you can see it all. Neat to see the relationships and routines.
 Lance is loving the snow as well.  I think he would sit out there all day if I let him. 
Despite the fact that I and Olivia have colds and I strongly dislike feeling this way, I am enjoying being home this weekend, get a few projects done, reading with the kids, making some nice meals (homemade chicken soup for example and lots of tea).  I played Angry Birds for the first time ever.  I wanted to see what all the excitement was about.  It is kind of fun, flinging those birds.  I think we might start selling our honey coming up next season.  If so, I need to think of a cute little label/name...cuz that is the most important part (well besides the taste and content and all).  Noah and I planned a whole week or sos menu of meals this week.  It is flexible for the most part ingredients are bought and the days are mapped out.  Hopefully this will make things easier, I feel like Ive been in a meal idea rut lately.  Also trying to change up the kids school lunches a little bit.  I am praying for many situations and people this week.  I am especially thankful for a warm house and a healthy (for the most part despite the temp. colds) family.  Excited to see what this day has in store for us (no school, MLK day).  Just waiting for the sun to come up.

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