Saturday, February 26, 2011


I walked into the kitchen yesterday to find Woody, held hostage - tied to a kitchen chair. There are always these kind of wonderful fun surprises when Ben is playing. Yesterday was a big deal for Woody because by an "amazing miracle" , Ben found Woody's lost hat (been missing for a few weeks, found it in the car, which reminds me - wow, that car is extremily messy over this winter...I truly need to get a garbage bag or a dumpster and get to work). After Ben found Woody's hat, he washed it nice and shiny in the sink and wrapped it in a red bandana and surprise gifted it to Woody. It was a special moment, I am so glad I got to be there for the reunion of doll and wardrobe.
Finally last Sunday, although cold and rainy - Noah and the kids got to work in the garage and put together the truck (but he calls it a jeep) that Ben got for Christmas. They drove it around a little bit (oh that reminds me I need to get c batteries for the radio) and it is now parked in the garage until spring decides to make a return. Kids are thrilled. Ben keeps asking me for a sponge to wash his "jeep." I wonder if my car will ever earn a spot in the garage.

This is a little accordion album that I recently made as a gift for a friend. In October we took our sons to superhero bowling together. Well, finally, I got around to printing some pics of the event and making this cute memento. I was happy with how it turned out, now I have to make one for of these days.
Girl Scout Cookies are here! We will be sorting and delivering what we can soon. Distant family that has ordered, we will get them to you next time we meet! If anyone needs their total, please let me know. Cash or Checks are accepted. Check with me if you are writing a Check: depending on when we receive it, it will either have to be made out to Girl Scouts directly (within a week) or to us directly (after a weeks time). Thank you!

So, I must admit that I am crabby this morning. Yes, it's true. Olivia was up half the night, so...was I. I can't take this any more. Now I wake up with a headache and stuffy nose. Should be a fun day. Especially since I didnt do the dishes last night. I am out of creamer. Oh well, had one cup of coffee, which is my norm anyway I suppose. I can't believe (well, yes I can cuz it's the season) that it is snowing again! Yippee! Yesterday, while bringing the dog in the house, I slipped in the mud and fell. It was not the highlight of my day by any means. Yesterday, I offically signed the kids up for spring indoor soccer. They are so excited. Should be great! Kept Ben home from school again. I am praying this weekend that we will find him well. Yesterday I made banana bread (now that I have my oven back) and I made a rump beef roast (in the crock pot actually - cuz roasts scare me, I don't know what to do with them and I found an easy recipe). I thought the roast turned out very good considering my skill level with such meats. I over-listened to Ben and Isabelle talking about shots at the dr. Ben told Isabelle that the last time he got shots it was because they were checking to see if he had vampire blood. I am thinking he must not have vampire blood, otherwise they would have sent us a letter or notification of some kind. Ben keeps telling us that he wants to be a cowboy when he grows up. He has also told me that he wants the whole family to get: wranglers so we can all be cowboys and cowgirls together. I am trying to interview the kids a little bit so I can make a scrapbook page with the answers. I asked them: Who is the coolest person on Earth? Isabelle answered: "God, Mom and Taylor Swift. " Ben answered: " I say, Michael Jackson.

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