Saturday, September 22, 2012

happiness WARM puppy

 Finished a painting of my Olivia & Rose.  Titled:  Happiness is a warm puppy. (charles shultz)
 Isabelle and Ben call this carrying the Princess.
 Ben riding his bike!
 Ben falling off of his bike :)
A Random Deer.
The pups do not like the deer nor the turkey.  They bark bark bark at them.   They all stare at each other in a frozen stance for a while and then all animals go about their business as if they never noticed each other.  I love when the puppies are tired and lay on each other. So cute - got to get a pic.  I guess that makes up for that fact that we are going through a lot of papertowels these days.  Ben has a loose tooth. His first one!  We had taco salad for dinner.  My hands smell like onion.  Today, I stood out in the autumn wind and the bright sun, and I breathed in the earth and I was at peace.  I thanked the lord for my many gifts. I think we will all hit the hay early tonight, we are getting so worn and tired these days, on the verge of colds.  Tomorrow we need to get up early for dog training.  Can't wait to jump into bed tonight -  I started reading a book that I find very interesting:  Rin Tin Tin.  :)  Well, Ben wants me to go set his alarm clock, so I suppose I must go as there are other things to attend to as well.  Happy Weekend.

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