Thursday, May 12, 2011


It's not every day that a Baltimore Oriole (or 2) arrive at my feeders.  These orange birds actually like to eat Oranges. So this is just a quick update as my mind is overwhelmed with tasks.  Ben insisted on making my bed this a.m.  Noah rode his bike to work.  Isabelle did her own hair in pony tails and Olivia managed to get into all the dvds and distribute them all over the living room.  Our first butterfly has emerged from it's cocoon.  The weather has been way too warm as of late.  Luckily there seems to be a breeze today.   I think I will make banana bread this morning.  Been thinking about painting alot.  Working on my website (link on the side).  Beautiful blooms are growing all around the house (lilacs, cherry blosooms, etc).  The seedlings from the garden are already budding through the ground. Major project for today:  continue The Great Closet Clean Out.  I should probably pay my (unjust) library fine, so I can get books again.   I need more painting Gesso and we are out of olive oil and I still have not replaced my broken toaster.  I have gotten so many Dandelions picked for me everyday...I am so blessed!  Have a beautiful day. :) 

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