Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sew What.

This weekend I had a little time to do some crafting. I decided to make some bean-bags for the kids and a stuffed owl plushie. I enjoyed creating, but honestly sometimes it is so exhausting. Getting out all the materials & supplies..preparing and planning and executing with constant interruptions....then cleaning up...I don't know , I am thinking of taking a little break from crafting all together for a bit. I love it but its stressing me out lately and that's not what it's all about. Although, I may scrapbook a little tonight...

I swear my dog hates me. He wants to give me a heart-attack. He may just succeed. Noah tore up the whole front yard this weekend to put in new grass. My job is to water it. joy. I am still waiting on new kitchen windows, but I decided I would hang my curtains anyway because I am tired of waiting and I want a little more warmth and character in my kitchen. So although the windows are not finished/framed, etc... I hung the curtains anyway. I like them. I bought gala apples today. those are nice apples. So, I got so many tasks done this morning without the children. It was amazing. I almost felt like a superhero. well sort of. But seriously, glad I got a lot done. Nothing good in the mail today. Was it worth walking to the mailbox for? I think not. I wish I had some mums and mini pumpkins. Soon enough I suppose. today I am wearing my Brookfield Zoo shirt. I sure do miss that grand zoo. got to get back there sometime. This week is moderatley busy, but next week is extremily busy. Many activities starting. (ballet, girlscouts, Mosiac group (mothers of school age children), bible study, etc). I wonder what I should make for the evening meal tonight. I have no taste for any thing and no ideas.

Here is Miss Isabelle at the Art in The Park this weekend. She made puppets for herself and for Ben. Also this weekend Isabelle made tons of jewerly with Aunt Mary. Bye for Now.

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