Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday Outing
Well, let's face it...every Outing Can't be a Mary Poppins with the Banks Children in the Park Magical Experience.
Today's family outing seemed like a good idea in the morning.....before we actually went. It was a beautiful sun shiney day and we decided hey, let's go to the lake.
So, Packing for any trip no matter how minor can take a lot of prep, ya never know what you might need. I seriously, don't want to be the mom who doesn't have a bandaid on her when needed (I've been that mom plenty of fun...working on improving). So, I packed us up for a day trip (when all actuality, it wound up being less then 4 hours all together I think). Later, I realized as I lugged all our supplies up and down a big huge hill to get to and from the camp site, that...yeah maybe I packed too much...and if I really calculated...maybe I wound up NOT using about 88% of the stuff that I couldn't do with out. What the heck was I thinking? Yeah right, besides the kids stuff (stroller, toys, diapers, sunscreen, bottles, etc), grilling supplies, fishing supplies...I brought a book for me to read, cuz I would so get a chance to do that! Oh and a notebook to do some writing in a peaceful NO. A Radio...o.k., forgot I even had it since it was buried under the "other" stuff. There was so much stuff in the car there was no room in there for the dog so he had to stay home.
First stop was the grocery store (that has little kid carts). Isabelle accidently rammed her little cart into my foot. I calmly (while clenching my teeth so I wouldnt scream from pain) suggested that she be more careful because she hurt mommy. We got: hamburger supplies, sun chips, cottage cheese and iced tea. This task, complete. Oh and as we were departing the cashier said, "please take a free pack of hamburger buns on your way out as part of our grand opening special". Well o.k. lady, super, but maybe you could have told us about this little special BEFORE we bought the buns we just bought!
Next, the bait/license shop. I don't know what happened in there because I opted to stay in the car with Ben while Noah took Isabelle inside. She was asking him questions when they left the car. She was asking him questions when they returned. Here we got: license , bait and Ice. Task done. On our way again...
Arrive at "the spot". Unpacked the car, lugged everything down big steep hill. First - Prepared food and ate lunch (the hamburgers tasted like zoo burgers...they were premade and a little "different"). Next: Isabelle and Noah fished. I kept Ben entertained. The entire time, I had to keep him out of and away from the lake and I tried to keep him from constantly putting the following into his mouth: stones, sand, grass, leaves, sticks, cigarette butts, misc. garbage, etc.
Isabelle was quite excited about the dock. She ran on it, she sat on it, she skipped on it, she layed and rolled on it. Isabelle had about a million things to discuss with Noah. I think if Isabelle could literally talk someones ear off, that noah's ears would be floating in the lake right now. Isabelle wasn't manning her pole so she kept losing worms and needing them replaced. In the end, ONE FISH was caught in all (by noah). After what seemed like a very long afternoon, we (meaning me) packed up all the supplies and cleaned up our mess and we headed home. Isabelle told us that her very favorite part was that she got to pee in the woods. She also told us she doesn't want to eat the leftover worms for dinner because she thinks they would taste YUK. u.m... o.k. kid, it's a deal - no worms.
As we drove away through the winding tree lined roads - sun and sea behind us, Isabelle asked if we could come back next time. Noah said next time he was going to bring beer. I said next time doesn't have to be anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, it was nice quality family time together. It was us, being us. But, sometimes...staying home is nice too.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Is the fan my new best friend? I would say, YES. Thank goodness the fan was invented. It blows on me now and saves me from utter miserability. K... I'm officially sick of summer (humid, muggy...sultry...sweaty...yuk), bring on the fall. Give me the crisp days...ah...lovely autumn, I am waiting.
Ben is yelling into the fan currently. Like an idiot from stupidville, I decided to make a chicken the oven for dinner. So now as if it wasnt warm enough in the's even warmer. Leave it to me to make a bad situation worse.
I worked on a project today and completed it! With ben's 1st birthday coming up, I started thinking about how I still havent scrapped Isabelles first birthday... I have a ton of pics...what am I waiting for the perfect moment? Well instead of doing several 12x12 pages...I went into my stash and got out an a simple scrapbook (no protective covers), square that I got a target on clearance years back and never used.... I just started laying out the pictures in it..... I threw some sesame street (the party theme) and birthday stickers all over it...I did a little journaling...........and called it done! It's nothing special or fancy by any means....but it's done...all the pictures in one spot together and viewable... so... I am happy with that.
Tomatos are growing like...well, tomatos! They are soooo good....heaven sent for sure. I'm starting to feel like it is tomato nation over's crazy. I'd say tomatos are my favorite part of the garden....except.....for..... PUMPKINS! They are definetly on their way....and they are taking over the garden and I am afraid that Noah secretly hates me because I asked him to plant them and now they are overwhelming everything else........but OH well, how fun they will be in the fall! Our very own pumpkin patch! I'll make Isabelle sit out there and wait for the great Pumpkin to arrive.
So latley since we have been watching bats outside a bit...Isabelle is obessed with bats. She wants to look them up in books and talk about them. We worked on projects today and she even asked me to help her make a BAT. So we did and now she flies it around everywhere with her and it even sat next to her at dinner. My little weirdo.
Ben keeps shutting my fan off...not to happy about that. Maybe I'll just color in Isabelle's dragon tales coloring book for a while and call it a day.
I haven't updated in a while, so I thought I would today. I really don't have anything of major importance or interest to share, so I will just type and see what prevails. Today: Rainy. Noah watched the kids last night (so I could have a much need night out with my friends) and so today I have a major mess to clean up. He is always so proud of himself, when I get home he tells me what he fed them and what they did, etc. But, like I said: Major mess to clean! This summer has been very low key for us. We have defintely gone the simple, quiet route. Our days have consisted of pool fun, catching fireflies and butterflies, pushpops, sandbox, gardening, evening stroller walks, bon fires, preschool workbooks, lots of reading, movies, visiting friends, etc. The kids are growing like weeds and wildflowers. I won't tell you which one is currently the weed and which one is currently the wildflower...but maybe you can guess. Isabelle is excited about having her first "kids" birthday party. We have been having fun planning that. She insisted on Strawberry Shortcake theme. She can't wait to for everyone to sing happy birhtday to her while she "blows out the little fires on her cake". We are also starting to pick up school supplies...I can't believe it is almost that time already. One of Isabelle's favorite things lately is watching the bats come out in the early evening. She keeps asking me, those arn't the bat's that you hit a ball with right? I must admitt it still kind of freaks me out to see bats...I just cant help to think one will land and turn into a dracula right in front of me. Her favorite current foods are: peanutbutter and honey sandwiches and corn on the cob. The other day Isabelle was laying on the couch and I told her she should go outside and play...and she cried, " I can't go outside, my eyebrows hurt!" Instead of saying good idea, she says: Mom, that's a BIG dea! Instead of saying salami, Isabelle asks for a SLIMY sandwich. Isabelle likes to pretend Ben is her dog...she feeds him the fish from her magnetic fishing pole set. Isabelle also likes to often pretend she is Strawberryshortcake and Ben is Apple Dumpling. The other day I spotted a bunny outside and I told Isabelle to look and she looked (he was still) and she said, : "Maybe he's dead". When Isabelle and I were in the garden recently (picking green beans)..she found a worm..she asked if she could touch it. I said sure. Then she asked if she could tickle it. I said sure. So, she tickled it and kept giggling and saying tickle, tickle, tickle. BEN - wow, this little boy... my mind can't wrap around the fact that he is almost one years old (aug. 15). He is such a character. He is so unebelievably sweet and cuddly and happy. He is also very adventures and BIG trouble! Anything you can think of, he is into! He officially broke a lamp a few weeks ago (pulled it off the table), thank goodness he wasnt hurt. I've baby proofed as much as I can but he still manages to find trouble. He loves to copy and he loves to play peek a boo. He loves pushing any toy with wheels (mostly little people bus) across the room. He loves to put things inside of things (stacking cups) and open and close things. He stands at the toy bin, reaches in and pulls a toy out, inspects it and throws it on the floor and pulls another toy out...till it's empty. He is eating just about anything, doing great. He loves the vegetables from the that has been so nice (and convienent) to feed him. He has two lower teeth and more are coming. He walks holding on to things, we are just waiting for him to let go. Isabelle and Ben roll around on the floor together tumbling and giggling all the time. They also fight. She tells me, MOM I don't want Benny by me! Mom, I don't want Benny to have this toy! ETC... I love his hair right now. It's long enough where it is starting to curl so sweet. I finished reading: A thousand acres. Didnt like it that much. Started reading: The TIme Traveler's Wife. Not far into it but so far so good. My current favorite tv show is Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay, but actually I like more, his show Kitchen Nightmares, where he goes into failing restaurants, sees whats not working and helps them change things and succeed. I recently made a new (and easy) impressive dinner that I absolutely love. It is a cranberry pork roast in the crock pot (if anyone wants the recipe, email me). My current favorite song is: Calling All Angels by Jane Siberry. It is old, but I have newly discovered it. I must find it on cd! Well, Isabelle is whining because Ben changed the t.v. channel (and he is stinky, I can smell him from here) here we go...another day of adventure....Maybe, I better grab some more coffee first........
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Here we see that Ben somehow got himself completely stuck inside a dollhouse. He reminded me of the part of Alice in Wonderland when she is growing inside that tiny house and gets stuck. I know I probably shouldn't have been laughing and grabbing my camera...before I saved him....but I felt that I must document this incident.
And here we see one of Isabelle and Lance's favorite summer pasttimes: Pig Farm (next store) Watching.