Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Came to Town
Christmas Eve
- Isabelle the Angel, Olivia the Baby Jesus and Ben the Shepherd.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas
Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, safe, magical and blessed Christmas!
Much more pics & updates to come after Santa leaves town...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Table Manners
o.k., so unappropriate, but it was fun! Isabelle and Ben love the scene from A Christmas Story in which Ralphy's little brother Randy eats his meatloaf like a piggy. Well, tonight I let the kids get a little silly. Warning: This is not the most pleasant of productions.
Snowy Salute
Although, I did make Toffee for the first time today! Easy peasy and good to boot. I may do something competley unheard of and skip the tradition of peanut butter balls this year. Today we also made some cinnamon/applesauce ornaments (those are the brown things with the glitter on the table). They take 24 hours to dry so tomorrow we will put ribbons on them and finish them off.
In other news:
I am starting to regret/dislike/disagree with my haircut. Speaking of haircuts - Noah says the haircut that I gave Ben makes him look like a little Hitler. (This is also something I normally leave to the masters, but didnt have time to get him to a cuttery yet the hair over his ears and neck were almost braid-able so I took my chances. Once in a great while, I let the kids eat like little piggies (like Ralphys little brother randy in A Christmas Story). Since we were eating meatloaf tonight and the kids weren't really eating it...I let tonight be one of those rare nights (since they asked and all and I alraedy had a huge mess to clean up). So anyway they had a blast and I recorded it, I may post the video here if it's short enough. Last week my car slid a few times at stops and I slipped and fell on my back on the I promplty announced at that I was so done with winter...yet it's still here so I am trying to take pleasure in the season as best as possible by accepting it and knowing there is beauty and purpose for ice welding my car door shut. School was cancelled for today due to weather so the kids are offically on break and I must say I am thrilled. I need a break from the school routine. Not that I sleep in, but at least I dont have to rush out the door. I need to get Olivia a stocking. I am just using an extra one we have, but it's not quite her. I think I am pretty ready for Christmas for the most part. Noah and I are discussing/planning the meals for Christmas Eve and Day. I think we should just make a mystery meal. Each course a delightful surprise to the culinary palet. Or we could just open a bag of chips. The most fantastic part of my day was that I stayed in my pajamas. O.k., I have probably rambled beyond enough. I wonder where Flick will wind up by morning time.
I am starting to regret/dislike/disagree with my haircut. Speaking of haircuts - Noah says the haircut that I gave Ben makes him look like a little Hitler. (This is also something I normally leave to the masters, but didnt have time to get him to a cuttery yet the hair over his ears and neck were almost braid-able so I took my chances. Once in a great while, I let the kids eat like little piggies (like Ralphys little brother randy in A Christmas Story). Since we were eating meatloaf tonight and the kids weren't really eating it...I let tonight be one of those rare nights (since they asked and all and I alraedy had a huge mess to clean up). So anyway they had a blast and I recorded it, I may post the video here if it's short enough. Last week my car slid a few times at stops and I slipped and fell on my back on the I promplty announced at that I was so done with winter...yet it's still here so I am trying to take pleasure in the season as best as possible by accepting it and knowing there is beauty and purpose for ice welding my car door shut. School was cancelled for today due to weather so the kids are offically on break and I must say I am thrilled. I need a break from the school routine. Not that I sleep in, but at least I dont have to rush out the door. I need to get Olivia a stocking. I am just using an extra one we have, but it's not quite her. I think I am pretty ready for Christmas for the most part. Noah and I are discussing/planning the meals for Christmas Eve and Day. I think we should just make a mystery meal. Each course a delightful surprise to the culinary palet. Or we could just open a bag of chips. The most fantastic part of my day was that I stayed in my pajamas. O.k., I have probably rambled beyond enough. I wonder where Flick will wind up by morning time.
Oh, Deer - Mt. Rushmore
other for awhile then he resumed eating the earth and we continued on our journey.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thur. a.m. musings.
Thanks to Alton Brown, I now know how to make the perfect cup of coffee at home. I cut Ben's hair last night , I must say it did not turn out bad at all. It still needs a real cut, but for now it will do. hehe. Ben just got up as a matter of fact and told me he loves me and then said good morning to Flick who is sitting on top of the refridgerator. Will I ever get to my craft/art room this season or get to make our families famous Peanut Butter Balls? I hope so. Today will be a day of packing. Packing the kids to stay with family, and packing Noah and I for our trip to South Dakota. Please keep us all in your prayers for health and safety in these upcoming days. Why don't the dishes every go away? When they are piled up like they are this morning (because I was too cold and tired to do them last night), I remind myself how thankful that I am that I have a wonderful crazy clan of people to do them for....but I should really invest in more paper plates. So, I made something called: Lazy Lasagna this week. It turned out o.k. I don't think I will make it again. I hope it didn't snow too much out there, I see the roads/car are white again. After the day I had yesterday, I am so done with this winter (car sliding a few times, and me slipping on the ice as well. Thankful I wasn't holding Olivia). O.k., Isabelle just got up and threw up...looks like there will be no school for her today...
Ben the Performer.
Here is my very tired Ben performing in his preschool program. Before we left to be there for the evening, I asked him if he is going to be the Star of the show? and he replied, NO! I am not a star, I am the donkey!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ben The Donkey / Horse

In other news: Isabelle lost another tooth! A bottom one this time. (She sure is keeping the tooth fairy busy). Our tree is up and most of the decorations are as well. I absoutley love how the kids decorate the tree. They put like 15 ornaments on one branch. Can there be too many ornaments on a single tree I wonder? I love that Isabelle plays pretend with the ornaments like I used to when I was a little girl. An imaginary Christmas world within the tree. The kids fought while they set up the Nativity Scene (but, then they played nice with it). I love that they get so excited about opening the boxes of decorations and that they remember things from the previous years. the Kids can't wait to see where Flick the Elf is every morning. This morning, I spotted him sitting in the top of the tree. He must be happy that we finally have one! Gingerbreadmen marshmellows are actually not bad. Bought some for our hot chocolate. The weather outside is frightful. We have got no baking or crafting done yet this season. I hope to really focus on that next week. The time is flying by like a reindeer. This week is chalked full of events and Noah and I are flying to South Dakota this weekend for a business/work party. I don't even know if I have a suitcase. I better start getting my act together. While we are away, the children's palet will be filled with lots of fun holiday stuff including being with misc. family. I am praying for safety, health and goodness for us all. I have NO clue what to make for dinner tonight.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
December is a Blizzard
Meet FLICK! Our Elf on the Shelf!
Monday, December 06, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Morning Coffee
I have no pictures to go along with this post. I really have no purpose of much to say. I just had a few quiet moments as the circus is still at bay so I thought I would say hello. I just opened my curtains to some lite drifting snow, very beautiful. Every morning, I look forward to : Coffee. Today I drink: Chocked Full of Nuts with HazelNut (theme going on here?) creamer in my Alice In Wonderland cup. I even snuck a shower in, so this might be a decent day. I finally whipped out my winter gear yesterday as the snow began. I do think I will find myself a new hat though. I love my Apacha wool hat, but it is itchy and the dog always wants to smell my head, so I might go another route to keep my noggin warm. Today the kids will pop out of bed no doubt and ask if they can have their first piece of chocolate from the advent calendars. They have been asking to start them everyday since I bought them a week ago. Today, I can say: Yes. Reminds me, I still have to throw away the remaining Halloween candy so they stop asking for that. It looks cold out there, I am thankful for the nice heat in our home and warm slippers on my feet. I know I will be doing a lot of snowbrushing, windshield scrapping this season...but for now I am warm. hehe. Isabelle has Brownie Girl Scouts today, I may be making meatloaf for dinner (feeling uncreative), I have a endless to do list goal is to accomplish at least 3 things on it. O.K., the boy child is up...let the show begin!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
To Grandmothers house we go...
Thanksgiving was lovely. In fact, this whole long weekend was grand. Lots of cooking, some projects, lots of reading. It was nice. I know with all my heart that I have so much to be thankful for. Tomorrow begins another very busy week. Right now, I am catching up on dishes and laundry and clutter.
Olivia is officially in size 4 diapers and size 9-12 clothing and has moved on to the next step carseat. Olivia is officially crawling. So this is exciting yet dangerous.
Isabelle has a loose front tooth, I think the tooth fairy will be making a visit any day now.
The kids haven written their list to Santa, I just have not mailed it to the North Pole yet.
I have recently finshed the book: Sarah's Key. Sad but good.
So nice to sleep on new sheets.
It cracks me up, the combination of things I find in Ben's pockets when I am doing the laundry...I just ask, what is this little boy thinking when he collects this to keep?
Thinking about getting the kids Bunk Beds.
Olivia has been asked by our church to play an important role in the Christmas Eve Mass Pageant: Baby Jesus. So, we are all excited for this...except...if they find a younger (less mobile) baby to play the part, she may be replaced. Isabelle is to play an Angel and Ben is to be a Shepherd.
We all need haircuts. Isabelle wants hers very short. I am trying to decide if I should have mine all chopped off or let it grow.
Must buy Egg Nog next time I am in the store.
(and dog food and kleenex).
o.k., Olivia is crying...gotta go. I dedicate the Johnny Cash song; Cry Cry Cry to my sweet baby girl. goodnight all.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Blessed by Three.
Our Children teach us what Life is all about.
- Schwindt
How true is this quote? Every single day I learn so much from these sticky loud little people. They consume my thoughts and my arms and my heart. I must have done something right along the way to deserve such gifts in this lifetime. Thank you, Lord. They are the brightest lights on the darkest days. They fill my soul with joy. My prayers for my children are constant and faithful. I know that the greatest thing I can and will ever do in this world, is to :Love & Cherish:
Isabelle, Benjamin & Olivia
...and on a less mushy and non-serious note,
I will leave you with this:
I will leave you with this:
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread.
She whipped them all well and put them to bed.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Olivia's Baptism
I couldn't believe the amazing light in this photo.
More Photos and Comments to come...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A few more Paintings.
Owl Pocket Painting.
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