Santa Baby!

Isabelle with her American Girl Doll "Kit" from Grandma Barb and Grandpa Al.

Dreams came true when the kids opened the very special gifts from Santa, their very much wished for Nintendo DS's. Here Ben is showing Noah how it works. hehe

Ben could barely speak or breathe when he found this amazing gift on our front Porch on Christmas Eve. It is a drivable monster truck (with a real radio) from Grandpa Paul, Celia, Mary & Margaret. He has always wanted one, "his whole entire life!"

Christmas has come and gone this year without much stress, but with much JOY. Seriously, whatever I did not get done, I accepted and moved on the best I could, I relaxed and I planned but was also flexible and calm. It wasn't easy, it took constant intention. Things of course were far from Norman Rockwell perfect (ex: Isabelle throwing up all the way down the hall last night or Ben crying in church because we wouldn't let him eat his candy cane) But they were our moments. I truly enjoyed these dancing fleeting moments to their fullest these last few days, from my Snowy Peaceful walk in the woods with Lancelot (which whom I have a love/hate relationship) to getting woken up shortly past 5a.m. by an excited Isabelle seeing that Santa came! Wrapping paper flying everywhere revealing such grand gifts, too many baked goods and treats to be had. Magical and Beautiful for the most part. I loved walking out of the Church after mass on Christmas Eve to see the snow falling into a winter wonderland all around us. I realize how very blessed we are in so many ways by the amazing friends and family God has put into our lives. Much more to say, but have to go for now. May you be and feel surrounded by Hope & Peace & LoVe. It's a Wonderful life.
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