Olivia the Happy Reindeer!

Isabelle was thrilled to lose a much anticipated loose tooth. The best part, it happened in school! She could not have been more thrilled! That evening the tooth fairy made a visit (gum and a dollar wrapped in a pretty sparkly ribbon).

This week was Isabelle's Christmas program at school. Before we went to the event, we went out for pizza and just happened to run into her classmate: Madison. (non of my pictures from the program turned out because it was too dark).

Our Tree! Our Tree! We finally got our tree! Noah and Ben went to go pick it out. This year we went with the grocery store selection since a storm was brewing outside. Maybe next year, we will make it to the chopping woods. (we haven't done that in a while). So it is now Sunday morning and I am not sure what the day holds due to this blizzard. I don't know if its possible to go to church. We plan on doing our decorating today among some other things. Noah is going to make biscquits and gravy for breakfast and steaks for dinner. I am not feeling well but am trying to fight off whatever bug I may have because there is way too much to do. ugh. Tomorrow night is Ben's Christmas program at school and the week unfolds busily from there. Last week we received wonderful packages in the mail including one with brandnew winter coats for the kids! (thank you Grandma & Grandpa). Christmas cards are starting to trickle in, how exciting! On this last Friday, I got my hair all cut off. I needed a change and I feel good about it. It's a little shorter than I wanted, but I suspect it will grow. I love watching the birds in the snow. I think the neatest thing is when you have like 5 different type of birds all at the same feeder. pretty neat (I know that I am a nerd). I am getting excited about the Christmas Eve Program at Church, as far as I know: Olivia is still going to be playing the part of : Baby Jesus, Isabelle will be an Angel and Ben will be a Shepherd. Just in case you are wonderfing my very favorite Christmas song of all time is: O' Holy Night. My favorite movie is: The Christmas Story (with Ralphy) , Noah's favorite movie is: It's a Wonderful Life. The kids, love them ALL as well they should. I don't think I have a stocking for Olivia. Although it seems like an overwhelming task (especially cuz I am feeling ill), I really can't wait to open the decorations and recall our Christmas's past and anticipate this season as well! I am thankful I bought boots this year (last year, I skipped them and regretted it every day). Happy Sunday!
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