This is the amazing & magical: FLICK

We have decided to adopt an ELF in our family this season. He needed a special name so after 1000 suggestions back and forth the children decided on : Flick. Flick has a very special job. He watches the children's behavior for Santa and reports back to him at the North Pole (he flies if you are wondering) every night in December. Then in the morning when the kids wake up, he is always in a new spot! The number one rule with Flick is that the children cannot touch him or he will lose his magic. The children are encouraged to talk to him , share secrets with him and sing to him (they have also been telling on eachother to him). When Christmas Day finally arrives, Flick will be gone to the North Pole with Santa (I think he hitches a ride on his Sleigh while Santa is here making his stop)....So we will say goodbye to Flick on Christmas Eve and hope to see him next year!
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