I can't put any new pics up at the moment because my camera connection cord is in the bedroom and I cannot risk waking the baby up (since she wouldnt go to sleep last night). So for now, here's a pic I took after our last storm. It's not the clearest pic, but I thought it was so very neat the way the different birds are all sharing the same branch. Roundup: I kept Isabelle home from school yesterday, she was sick. I hope she will be better when she wakes up this morning. I am very much in a scrapbooking mood, I hope I get a chance to do some of that this weekend (at this point I am years behind!). I am excited, last night I got a phone call: my parents are coming out to visit today, we haven't seen them since Christmas since we have had all this bad weather. The other night the kids and I were watching a little American Idol and Isabelle asked: Who is that? Is that a boy or a girl? (referring to Aerosmith's Steven Tyler). The squirrels love to do acrobats off the bird feeders. Speaking of outdoor animals...no matter what we do our shed door always winds up open...I wonder how many frozen/thawed out animals we will find in there in the spring. Ben gets in his modes in which he likes to dress like a cowboy. he was dressed the other day and Isabelle says: Look it's a cowboy! and he corrects her: No! Actually I am a Cowboy with 4 dollars! (and he pulls the cash out of his pocket to prove it). I have finally got him to call bebe guns, bebe guns instead of baby guns. Yesterday Isabelle asked me, Mom - Arn't you glad our oven is fixed? Ben asked: Who fixed it? Isabelle most defintley answered: The plumber! So, this slight taste of spring we have received recently has inspired me to go forth with hope. The promise of the sun and warmth and growth...beneath the winter snow.... it's coming...I know it will be here. We need to start thinking about planning birthdays, Easter, First Communion...there is so much to celebrate. I think about how I had a wonderful bible study this week. It was exactly what I needed to hear at the right time...reminding me that there are things I cannot control or understand and that I need to leave them in God's hands. Also , the fellowship with these amazing women, is the greatest gift to look forward to when we meet. I feel so truly blessed to be a part of these groups. uh-oh...I hear ramblings of children. Of course they are up early, because it's the weekend!
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