(digi scrap elements from shabbyprincess) We've been noticing lately besides the other sounds that sound like words (mama, da, etc)...Olivia has been saying: Uh-oh!, which is so appropriate for this little bundle of trouble. So, it's Sunday Morning and I feel like crap. For the last two days my throat has been killing me, feels like I coughed up a lung. Ben is also sick now as well. This weekend has not been fun. I super worked on cleaning yesterday because the mess/clutter was just too overwhelming, well by the time I was done: everything hurt and I was about to pass out (and thats only two rooms and some laundry done). Oh well, at least it's better. Its snowing like crazy at the moment. Last week the kids had 2 days off from school due to snow/freezing weather. Last week also we found out some big giant news...all of Isabelle's wishes and dreams will finally come true...she needs glasses. She hasn't stopped talking about it or asking questions since she found out the grand news. They should be in sometime this week and they are the most awesomest glasses she has ever seen in the entire world! Other news around the homefront: The repair man in regards to the oven, still has not called with the part. So now, this is getting old. It was ok for awhile, but really, I'd like to use my oven again, that would be lovely. Also, our deck wood/materials are here, but the work hasnt begun yet. Also, I am one of the rarest creatures on the planet, I have absotuley no interest in the superbowl today. Also, I began refinishing a single lonely chair. I' am painting it fun colors and so far I have painted a nostaligic looking bird on it. Then I had to call it quits, cuz life got in the way. I should make us clean the basement today (toys and crafts everywhere as far as the eye can see), but my energy level is at an all time low. If this dog doesnt stop moaning, I am gonna kick him out into a snowdrift. I guess I should make breakfast of some sorts, I wish I had something easy like cherrios to throw ina bowl, but I dont. Maybe a second cup of coffee will help me function. Ben needs a hair cut. Ben's buzz lightyear pajamas are so small that his toe is poking out, but he refuses to give them up. Now I can barely talk, my voice is froggy. fun stuff. o.k., guess I should go do something...like lay on the couch amongst the dog hair and cry...or cowboy up and have a decent day the best I can. I'll decide after my coffee...
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