We are all enjoying the process of our caterpillars growing...soon to be butterflies.

The baby evalulating her loot from that rabbit.

Ben being goaly with our new soccer net.

The last day of SpRinG soccer for Ben & Belle.

Princess Livy in the Royal Gardens enjoying in the lovely afternoon. ----There's a tator-tot casserole in my oven as I type. "DON't touch my tots!" (napoleon dynomite quote - one of my all time favorite movies...Ever! But, quite Seriously, this is a good & easy casserole to whip together when you are feeling uninspired in the kitchen area. So, you fill it...and they will come. They will come! My Goldfinches have arrived! None, nowhere...and then, boom! 5 on my feeder at once like a magical wonderment. Then Lance barked like a maniac because of someone he spotted out the front window....and they were gone. They flew like wildfire. Gone. But, they will be back. I know they will be back. They came and they will return to me. I am working on a painting for my bathroom that I can't wait to finish. Almost done. Let's just say it includes bacon...kind of sort of. Blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night. Room Exchange: So, our interior room paintings have concluded. Isabelle now has her own room, Ben and Olivia share and Noah and I have our own room (minus Olivia now). I spent the entire day putting Isabelle's room together so I could surprise her when she got home from school. Seriously, I almost started crying. I just love that she has her own space now and it's so "girly". I also was quite moved by the fact that we have finally set up Olivia's crib (instead of the pack in play - yeah seriously) now that we have the room. Let me report that she has already been sleeping better. She bounces in it, she loves it. I just hope she doesn't learn to crawl out of it too quickly. I asked Isabelle to think about what kind of painting she wants me to do for her new room. She said she already thought about it and she will write it down. This is exactly what she wrote: {{{{a pinck scky ah four fariy playing to gether and stars in the sky and the houses for the fariy's and let it say fariy are awsum. }}}}} I think I could so take on this assignment. Ben just came in crying because he has noone to "do his circus" . Mother's instinct, I pick stuff out of his ear and he toots and that's my life and that's o.k. The flowers on my table are dying. One of my paintings is in an auction this weekend and I am a little nervous about that. Today, while I was waiting for Isabelle to get out of school, I looked to the sky. It was rainy and stormy and I see four balloons way up high...rush by. One white. Three in different shades of purple. At the same time lyrics on the radio sing to me: "he will carry me". Now, Isn't that the truth and hasn't it always been? So, we are preparing for Isabelle's 1st Communion and I asked all our guests if they had a 1st Communion pic of themselves , to bring it. Naturally, I must include mine....and I find mine and what is so wonderfully special in my photo? Is that there is a big gap in my mouth, a missing space....a tooth begone....the same exact place that Isabelle is lacking a tooth right now. I think it will be so fun to see all the relatives pics and it sounds like quite a few have found theirs. The kids received caterpillars for Easter. They are growing like superheros. We go through papertowels like water. I put the bib on her , she takes it off. On off. On off. and so on. I give up. That's o.k., afterall - that's what wash machines & brooms are for. And as usual, she's lucky is is cute. goodnight moon. *****Edited to say: As the evening closed in and I was preparing the children for slumber, I noticed...in the woods...a deer. I called the children to come and watch this creature at dusk. There was not one deer, but we discovered --four! Four beautiful animals, peacefully wandering nearby...We watched them and discussed them...and then Ben brought up a time he remembers when he was young and he was a child, and he put Isabelle's fairy wand in his mouth and then there was blood everywhere. ((as I said, earlier - goodnight)).
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