Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
that rabbit
The Sun, the SUN!!! - Has finally decided to rejoin us. Amazing how a little shine can brighten up an existance. Isabelle saw "HOP" yesterday with her brownie troop and she loved it. The goldfinches still have not discovered that I have food for them. But, I have faith. Speaking of Faith, Bible Study was very good today (even though I didn't finish my homework and I was missing some very super people!). I wish I could take a nap, I am tired. I am wearing my torn up garden sandles and I don't care. They are ugly, but they are comfortable and today I feel like comfortable. I wish the 12 year old neighbor girl didn't think it was such a great idea to go ahead and tell my 7 year old and my 4 year old children that there is no Easter Bunny and then explain how the process is done. Honestly, this ignorance enrages me. Who the heck do you think you are and how would you like it if I crushed all your magical dreams when you were younger, how about I have a talk with your little 5 year old sister? Didn't anyone teach you, that's fine and dandy if you don't believe, but don't try to ruin it for others? What is wrong with you? Seriously, I want to knock this kid out next time I see her (and I just might!). I hope that I turned the situation around. I did my best to explain to Isabelle and Ben, that some people believe and some people dont, etc...but there are unnecessary doubts in their precious little noggins. Ugh. Speaking of the Easter Bunny, word has it this year that he may be bringing some: Butterflies & a Soccer Net! The Easter Rabbit is beyond awesome in my opinion. I love the smell of Tide. I can't believe it is nearing time to pick the kid up from school. Wow, this day went fast with little accomplished. Oh well, at least the SUN is shining!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Little Rain Fallen
*What a rollarcoaster of days it has been. Weather wise, perfect spring to freezing cold snow/rain. Life in general wise: up & down. *I put Goldfinch seed out a few days ago, but they have not discovered it yet. *I decided to cut bangs. The jury is still out whether I like them or not. I think I do. *Olivia had her 1 year dr. appt. She's doing swell. *Love Johnny Cash's song: Hurt. *I need some new paint brushes. *There are 4 bags of sugar on my counter. (for bee food). *Tonight, Noah is coming home from a Texas business trip. *Ben is hoping he will bring a horse with him. *I think we might have hardboiled eggs for dinner tonight. *If you follow every dream you might get lost. *I like brown paper bags with handles. *I should really do some laundry. In fact I am sitting underneath a pile as I type. *I'm wearing a Captin America bandaid. *If I was going to San Fransico, I don't know if I would wear flowers in my hair. *Got Ben the Charlie Brown movie: Happiness is a Warm Blanket. *There's a greenhouse in my kitchen: sprouts have started. It's promising. *I want to go dance in the river. I don't know where the nearest river is. *Besides, it's raining - I would get wet. Goodnight. :)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Flying Grapes
So, all kids are in bed (for now) and the dog is out on the back deck. Noah is on his way home (business trip). For various reasons, today kind of unfolded like a nightmare from early this morning until now. I hate feeling this way. Angry, Anxious, Sad & Overwhelmed. Today didn't go so well and I didn't handle things the best that I could have. I chose the path that I am not proud of. Tired is a factor, but it is no excuse. I yelled and I swore and for that I am very sorry. In the end, hopefully, lessons were learned by us all and tomorrow is a new day. I also took another look at my coffee table mess photo. Truly, that is no is something to be grateful for. The coffee table in that picture is filled with reminders of the Bright, Creative, Beautiful, Playful Children of my life. Children whose spirits can fill a heart with so much joy in a moment's notice. Children who may leave their "stuff " out everywhere...but someday....that stuff won't be there anymore and I know that I will miss it dearly. Now, if I want to complain and share about true messes....there are some smashed peas and grapes on my floor...heck, I even found a piece of grape in my keyboard tonight. Another true hair. Goodnight.
Time Outs. Sometimes I wish I could have a time out or 2. Like just a little bit ago...when Isabelle came in the house with her glasses...broken. The neighbor girl tried them on (took them off her head without asking), completely stretched them out and has basically broken them. I don't know what the hell she did to them! (excuse my hell). They are majorly screwed up! they won't stay on Isabelles head, they won't even stay on mine! Why did she even touch them in the first place? I am angry. Let's even say: livid. I yell at Isabelle that they are expensive and they are NOT a toy and the girl had NO business touching them! I yell at Isabelle and she cries. (instead I should have just took a run through the woods and screamed my head off and came back...but then noone would watch the baby and she would get everything out of the cabinets and dip her hands in the toliet and she would probably get a hold of the glasses and break them some more, so actually it was best I did not take off). Isabelle is sobbing and I am so angry. This is right now and I must calm down. I am hoping that I can fix the glasses properly. I need to breathe. I feel like a horrible jerk being so mad, but I AM mad! I need to go make dinner, I will update on the situation later. Just shar'in some real life. This is it, in all its glory. Uncontrolable Messes, Time-outs, Broken Glasses...and some Dandelions as the Saving Grace of the moment. I am thankful for Dandelions and the little hands that picked them...I am hopeful for some precious Time-Ins to repair not only a pair of glasses, but also a little girl's broken heart.
My Baby Turns: One!
This day was so bittersweet for me. So happy that this little girl is growing up. Each step, Each day is a new and exciting (and challenging sometimes) adventure. I love seeing her turning into a real little person...whom thinks and interacts and plays and develops...but I know that with each new Step, that her babyhood is being left behind. This makes me sad...but I am so excited to see who this little girl will become. Olivia, we cherish and adore you. You are so loved and we are so blessed. Happy Birthday Baby!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Raindrops and Crickets
Today the sun shines again. This weekend was beautiful weather. Sun Kissed skies and God breathed winds. This weekend helped make me well. We all have coughs and such lingering...but hopefully soon full health will be restored. This weekend Olivia said: "Mommy" as clear as day. It was awesome. I managed to get some projects done (cleaned out closet, reorganized book shelf, empty a cabinet (that when you open everything falls out of...well not anymore!). Of course when you focus on somethings, other things must lack because there is only so much time to go around. It's stormed like crazy last night. Noah really worked on the garden this weekend, got much planted. While at soccer this weekend, I overheard Ben tell one of the moms that he hopes it will rain so his dad's garden would grow. She asked what he plants in his garden and Ben answered: Tomatoes, Onions, Apples and Pickles. It makes me a little sad that Isabelle wants to do her own hair now. Well, I have much on my agenda today that I want to accomplish (nothing too exciting it includes piles of laundry, dishes and other lovelies) so I better get to it. I shall leave you with a few items from my "Gifts" Journal this morning: *weather that revitalizes and renews. *a much needed walk in the park with friends. *the grapeyest juice in town. *a few minutes of quiet and the sense to take advantage of it.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Singing in the Rain
It's hard to breathe. My lungs hurt... I believe even my heart hurts. I slide open the window and the damp air wraps around me like a blanket. I look through the kid smudged window pane to witness my empty bird feeders. The squirrels have concured them once again. I inhale the dirt and grass. I turn the music off and I listen to the evening earth. I watch the beautiful baby play. Just her and I. The others are out for dinner. So, I provide my full attention to her abilities and her spirit. She is wonderous in evey single way. The light in her eyes, the grasp of her pudgy little hand, her easy laughter. What a delight. I don't do this enough. I don't sit and realize how amazing the gifts in my life truly are. I need to slow down and not worry about getting things done so much. This baby is growig so fast, they all are.
*I overheard Isabelle tell my mom yesterday, that she thinks she grew , because for some reason she "feels taller today".
*My parents and I have begun video calls on the computer with the kids. I see my dad clapping and my baby Olivia clapping back in response. They are both smiling at eachother and filled with joy. Over the distance of time and space, they connect and I think this is just amazing. Sometimes I get so scared and nervous about the fast pace and things that technology takes away. But, then something like this...this is WOW.
*It's not a school day so of course the kids are up early - Soccer, they both yell! I am thinking they are liking it.
*I am so tired of being sick. I keep thinking about all the things I will do when Im well. I am waiting for the sun to come out. I believe that will heal me instantly. I want us all to be well so we can enjoy this season. I think we have gone through a truck load of kleenex this winter.
*Ben has brought a duck & journal home from school. We are supposed to record their adventures together this weekend. We should probably bring Quackers to Ben's soccer game. So far we have read Quackers 2 books regarding ducks: Little Quacks Bedtime and Find The Duck.
*Wishing my family & friends, a beautiful Saturday of Health, Sunshine, Laughter and maybe a little Technology. :)
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Bee Careful
And here we are. Survived a very busy Spring Break...survived it with colds. I lost my voice for 3 days. We are still battling the tail end of illness (Olivia and I are). Speaking of Olivia, she once again decided she didn't want to sleep much last night. Fun Stuff. I was so tired this morning, when my phone went off this morning and it said School, I answered it, wondering...why is school calling me this early? It wasn't a phone was my alarm. ugh. duh. Isabelle has recently discovered the world of : Joke Books. She brought one home from the school library and we have been engaged in giggles and laughter. Ben often chooses a Clifford book from the library. I wonder how many Clifford books exist. He always seems to find a different one. These days I am very much struggling with not being organized. My home and my thoughts are filled with clutter and I just can't seem to get my act together. Somehow I pull off each day, but not how I truly want to. I don't get enough done. My list gets longer and I miss some things. Things that I wish I could be more attentive to. Things that I used to have under control. Things that are important enough to care about but not required, so they get forgotten about these days. They get pushed back and lost. I want to do things better. I want my house, my family, my life to function I need to focus & work on that. Time Management and Stuff Management....those are things I need to improve. Last night I made a new meal: Pork Chops with gingered pears, rice and asparagus. It was a lot of work, a lot of dishes and noone really seemed to eat much or even say they liked it. I thought it was good, but I regretted all that was involved because I was exhausted (still battling sickness). Well, as I was cleaning up afterwards, I was gently reminded with a thought in my head - that I don't need to be thanked or told good job. That is not what this is about. Not at all. I pray today is a good day. Hopefully better weather than yesterday, hopefully better health for my family, hopefully, I will have no dog poop in the house to clean up (sorry just being real). So, I will note a few things to be grateful for at the moment and I will begin this day, tired, weary and with boogers, but with hope in my heart: *sun shining. *internet working (it wasn't earlier). *heat in the house. Um, I guess that's it for now....I will try for more later but the baby has hit her head on the coffee table. Let me leave you with this told by Isabelle: How do you keep a Zombie from Charging? Cut up his credit card.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
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