Thanksgiving was lovely. In fact, this whole long weekend was grand. Lots of cooking, some projects, lots of reading. It was nice. I know with all my heart that I have so much to be thankful for. Tomorrow begins another very busy week. Right now, I am catching up on dishes and laundry and clutter.
Olivia is officially in size 4 diapers and size 9-12 clothing and has moved on to the next step carseat. Olivia is officially crawling. So this is exciting yet dangerous.
Isabelle has a loose front tooth, I think the tooth fairy will be making a visit any day now.
The kids haven written their list to Santa, I just have not mailed it to the North Pole yet.
I have recently finshed the book: Sarah's Key. Sad but good.
So nice to sleep on new sheets.
It cracks me up, the combination of things I find in Ben's pockets when I am doing the laundry...I just ask, what is this little boy thinking when he collects this to keep?
Thinking about getting the kids Bunk Beds.
Olivia has been asked by our church to play an important role in the Christmas Eve Mass Pageant: Baby Jesus. So, we are all excited for this...except...if they find a younger (less mobile) baby to play the part, she may be replaced. Isabelle is to play an Angel and Ben is to be a Shepherd.
We all need haircuts. Isabelle wants hers very short. I am trying to decide if I should have mine all chopped off or let it grow.
Must buy Egg Nog next time I am in the store.
(and dog food and kleenex).
o.k., Olivia is crying...gotta go. I dedicate the Johnny Cash song; Cry Cry Cry to my sweet baby girl. goodnight all.