I thought I would a share a glimpse of our morning on this Stormy Friday. This 1st photo is my kitchen table. This is where I have my laptop most of the time durning the day. I lite a candle since it was dark and wet. I love the comfort of candles. This one is the scent of : apple pie

Here is Benjamin Luke scooping out his scrambled eggs. He is wearing spiderman underwear. He is directing Isabelle not to eat her eggs cuz they are too HOT. Most of the time more eggs wind up on the floor than in their tummies.

Here is a look at the living room on this rainy morning. It's so beautiful and peaceful. This room still needs to be finished (fireplace, bookshelf, touchup paint). I can't wait, I think this will be my favorite room of the house.

This is the look out of my kitchen window (the one above the sink) out onto our garden. It sure is getting plenty of water. good thing!

This is Isabelle Claire watching cartoons, holding an owl plush/softie toy that I just made. She fell in love with it so I gave it to her. She named it: Pinky and she has been taking it everywhere with her. Recently Isabelle informed me that she has to live with me forever. I asked her why and she said because then she will always know when her birthday is. Speaking of birthdays, both of these children have one in august and I am kind of feeling overwhelmed with what to plan. keep it simple, yet special is my motto. lots to think about. In other news: I can't believe school supplies is out and being advertized already. wow. I love school supplies. Always have and always will. I think the rain has finally stopped, maybe we will get out for a bit. Today I am wearing one of my favorite shirts...it is old and it has a clown on it and it says: Normal People Scare Me.
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