Here I am experimenting a little bit with my plushie making. The thing to the left is a little pocket monster. I have named him: Frick. He has issues. The thing on the right is a squareish bird with mental problems, his name is Real Mayo. I have let them hang out in the herb garden this morning...safe away from the children. (In the plushie / softie toy making world...you are supposed to name each creation and give them a story (if you so desire). So , here is Frick & Real Mayo....hanging out in the herb garden. Frick is thinking about shoving Real Mayo's face in the dirt because ....well, I don't know why....it's a private matter.

Recently Noah requested I make him a journal so he can record his thoughts. Here are two that I made for him. I am also working on a third one, using an old "Noah's Ark" golden book for the covers. This is a more complicated (coptic style) binding , so it will take longer.

This is a journal that I made for a friend of mine. She loves flip flops and she has just moved away and I am very sad. But, how wonderful that I got the chance to know this amazing woman. Lynn we will miss you guys so much! May the best be yours always! (and of course we must discuss the details of our mail exchange and I can't wait til your settled and online again! hehe)
So, the kids are kind of driving me nuts this morning. Just fighting over toys. Mom, bens on top of my doll house!! Mom, ben wont get off my bed! momma, Isabelle took me blankie cow! So, yes I am ready for school to start. I am thinking about locking them in the basement. I have tons of cleaning ahead of me today. It amazes me how quickly that things just go aray. Seriously, I don't even know where to begin. I need to write some lists and calm down because I am starting to feel overwhelmed with things I need to do and events coming up.
movies: we just watched Mama Mia again last night. Man do I love that movie. Yeah, honestly of course it is kind of crap,,,,but the music is sooooo grand and fun! I made noah watch it. He said it wasn't torture..but it wasnt good. Well onto another movie we watched last night: The Holiday with Cameron Diaz (i dont care for her) and Kate winslet (i love her). Also..jack black and jude law. Wonderful movie, I so enjoyed it and even cried a smidge.
Well, I better go get my brain organized and I am getting a scrambled egg request from the troops. Happy Saturday!