This is a super great clown cup that I got from a garage sale several weeks back. Speaking of clowns, the circus is coming to town next week. Will we go? Probably not. This week Isabelle has really been enjoying vacaction bible school and we have been spending special time with friends. Also, my sister in law (Elizabeth) and her son (A.J.) and stepson (Josiah) have come to stay with us for a few days. The kids are thrilled beyond the moon! Last night when they got here, they all started blowing bubbles and catching lightening bugs together. I think there is a lot of summer magic ahead for this troop. There is nothing like cousins together! Tonight is the last meeting of fall bible study for me. I am sad to see this session end because I truly enjoyed what I have learned and the wonderful women that I have gotten to share the experience with. The flowers on my table are dying. I am on my second cup of coffee this a.m. Noah's dad (Paul) made us a grand picnic table for the kids (I will take a pic of it sometime soon). I think I will make banana bread with my rotten bananas. I hope I have all the ingredients here. I am patiently waiting for the garden to produce the first of our fare. That is if the groundhogs and bunnies don't eat everything. It's been rainy this morning , I hope the sun pops up sometime...I believe it will. good day.
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