Ben fell off of a swingset yesterday and really hurt his nose. Lots of blood and tears, but I am truly proud of my calmness. We cleaned him up and watched him carefully for the rest of the evening. He has some red and bruising, but he is pretty much back to himself. I know this is just one step in preparing for being a mother of a boy. I know there is bound to be many stunts/injuries ahead. I just pray that his guardian angels are always with him. :)
This morning: overheard conversation:
BEN: "E-ah-belle, do you like spiderman? Me like spiderman. He a geek! He a geek! He a geek!" ISABELLE: "I like spiderman alot" BEN: "me too". (this is funny because I have been reading them a spiderman book and there is one point where it tells that peter parker was a geek and then Isabelle always asks what's a geek? So I guess that has really stuck with Ben).