Monday. It doesn't feel like a Monday, yet it is in fact Monday. But honestly, what does Monday feel like anyway? It's the start over day. The let's get back into routine day. It's the notification of the long haul ahead day. It's the I don't think there is anything good on t.v. or groceries in the fridge day.
Sometimes it baffles me how I can go through life, not experiencing certain things. Upon discovery of the certain thing, I am quite enlightened and wondered how I ever got by missing this thing in my existence. The example at hand that I speak of today is the song: Mary, Did You Know? This song is sung by many different artists. I don't know how long it has been around, but I recently discovered it. What am amazing, powerful and beautiful song. I watched a version of the song on utube that was associated with certain clips from the movie, Passion of The Christ. I will admit to you right now, that I watched this video and tears started to stream down my face. Wow. This is what Christmas is about. Not presents or decorations, or cookies. This is what life is about. This song is so beautiful and such truth. If you don't know it, I recommend you listen to it, especially during this season.
Isabelle just asked me for an envelope and asked me how to spell her teachers name. She wrote some words that she learned how to write/spell that she wanted to give to her. How sweet (unlike her photo above). Noah called, he is on his way home with the Chili ingredients that I need. The weather is currently freezing rain. Good night, Sweet Dreams - Stay Warm & Well!
You didn't post the reason for Isabelles mood/face. personally I think she looks funny in this photo.- Gunkgle "A"
"Mary, Did You Know?" is one of my two favorite Christmas- Marian songs! The version I really like is by Kathy Mattea. Now I have to go find the one you heard on YouTube. Makes me cry every time I hear it. Try my other favorite : "Breath of Heaven" by Amy Grant. Another tearjerker
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