I did not make this crafty turkey...but I might! I just started gathering some ideas to do with the kids for the Thanksgiving season. I've already made us watch
Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Special to get us in the mode. It makes me sad that I see nothing but Christmas in the stores and commericals. Maybe that is what makes Thanksgiving just a little more special....that it is not totally commerialized or stressful or of high requirement/obligation /expectations etc. It is simply a comforting and peaceful time....maybe the calm before the storm....haha Anyway - I will defintely be making a tree with paper leaves in which we write what we are thankful / and what we give or do for - Or a gratitude box/basket of some sort. Don't know what else yet.
- Short Reports -Weather - here has been amazing. I can't believe we have t-shirts on and windows open. (It looks like that has changed though as it looks quite windy and cloudy out this morning)Teacher Conference Yesterday - Isabelle is doing Excellent. We are so proud of her! Math is her struggle (just like her mom) -But she is always eager to learn, listen and get involved, oh and she is a wonderful socialite.House/Moving - We may have some news to share soon!
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