Other notes/thoughts of possible interest or not:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nuts & Cracks
Other notes/thoughts of possible interest or not:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dear Santa
Hello . how are you? I want a video game for Christmas. I want a strawberry shortcake tent for Christmas. I want a doll with a bow in her hair. It’s snowing a lot here. Please bring my little brother Ben, a car tent. How about a couple cars for Ben and a couple trucks for Ben. And I think that’s all. Me and Ben have been good this year. Oh yeah, I know what else I want. I want a moving cat. Like a white colored one and you shut it on and it moves. Drive carefully.
Love, Isabelle
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tis the Season
I stoled the quote above from my Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea Box. Sometimes I question whether I truly buy the tea because I enjoy the chamomile, spearmint, etc mixture or is it because the box brings me such comfort. Always a lovely quote and the picture of the bear (not beer) sitting in his pajamas and night cap in front of a roaring fireplace. I just want to become part of the picture.
Winter has just offically begun yet it has brutally attacked us so far this season. Although I try to embrace the season, I have to admit this weather really gets me down at times. The house has been cold. Traveling has not been easy. Ive been stuck out of my car, I have slipped on the ice and hit my head...but overall I am trying to focus on the peace and the beauty of the nature that God has created. There truly is something magical about this winter wonderland (well, the parts that the dog does not pee on anyway).
Although our count down santa calendar has left only one cotton ball (for the beard) and one red nose to put on, I have no presents wrapped for the kids yet, I just sent out most of my cards, I haven't finished my peanut butter balls...but that's o.k. There is so much going on, life is crazy..and our paths are covered in snow and ice...but at the end of each day, if we can settle down, get warm...relax...all together get under the blankets on the couch and watch a Christmas show together...then maybe we are o.k. after all.
Well, I think I have done enough rambling for one period of time. So for now I bid you, Good Health, True Warmth and a Heart full of JOLLY.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A storm is brewing...
(accordion scrapbook and peanutbutter balls)
It is coming. They keep warning us. It will be here soon and it will be huge. There is a Winter Storm coming our way starting this afternoon/evening, I believe. Provisions must be made just in case we need to hybernate for a few days...
I finally ordered Our Christmas cards. I need to pick those up. The kids have totally loved watching the charlie brown christmas specials this season and any time Ben sees anything peanuts related he screams at the top of his lungs: Brown! Brown! So, that is the layout I ordered for our cards. I promise someday, I will start handmaking my own cards again...someday...just didnt make it this year. I must remember to buy stamps.
Isabelle has a daisy scout meeting after school today (if the weather holds up until then). I have a feeling that her school sing along and party will probably be cancelled tomorrow. They say it's going to be a rough one. I know the kids will be quite disappointed, but what can you do? We also have plans to travel to the chicago area this weekend. I hope the weather conditions work out for that trip.
I think that is all that I know at the moment since Ben is sitting on my lap and talking to me about trucks.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Angels & Elvis's
Decorating moments and musings:
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
A surprise gift
Monday, December 08, 2008
A Tree Grows...
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's starting to look...

Monday, December 01, 2008
Winter has arrived
TurkeyDay Roundup
We also played with Tinker toys, matchbox cars, puzzles, galloped as horses (halloween costume), and watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special. Of course, the best part of the whole holiday was my mom's stuffing. I had it for leftovers and breakfast the next morning too
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Morning Snow
I made them each a special journal with photos that my friend took previously.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday RoundUp
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Little Christmas Themed Tag Shaped Notebook/Planner to fit in the purse or pocket!
A 4x6 Notebook/Journal - stab style binding, blank pages.
Something that I know for sure: As soon as I let my dog outside, chances are the mailman will be arriving about 32 seconds later.
Something that I learned today: Sometimes it would be better to make hamburger helper and spend 20 or so minutes on dinner rather than wasting two hours on a new homemade from scratch recipe (especially when the children either do or dont eat no matter what and they would have rather I spent that time with them and so do I).
Something that I wonder: I wonder if the Wonderbread factory is still open to the public for tours. We used to take field trips there as kids and they would give us these adorable little mini loaves in mini packaging to take home and I could make adorable mini little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Something that I am grateful for today: My Benny Boo taking my hand and asking me if I want to "dance, dance?"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Passing the BUCK

Other notes:
- I took Ben for a haircut this morning. He sat very well!
-Isabelle wants me to teach her how to make Friendship bracelets. (oh the memories...I picked up the floss thread we need and I told her we would start tonight).
-Tonight for dinner, I am trying a new dish: Linquine with Chicken Thighs
-Book Club: We had a great meeting last night discussing Eat, Pray, Love among other things. Our next reading selection is: A Wedding In December by Anita Shreve.
-I am currently researching Daisy Scouts and Ballet at the Art Center for Isabelle. Both start in December!
OPPS! Revision to tonight's activities....Ballet started tonight! Revised the dinner plan to: opening a can of chicken noodle soup upon our return from the first class. Isabelle loved class and she did so great! I defintely think we have a future ballerina on our hands.