Tonight is an open house for Isabelle's school class. I'm so excited school will be starting soon! There's nothing like back to school prepartions...new supplies is the best! (even if it is preschool supplies!). It actually almost feels like fall out today and I even swear Ive seen some changing leaves already. Tonight I am making Slow Cooker Salasa Chicken for dinner.
----Last night Isabelle and I had the following conversation:
Me: You are my special girl right?
Isabelle: Right. We are real right mom?
Me: Yes, Isabelle we are real.
Isabelle: Good. (It was just really sweet. I love my little girl so much...
when I sometimes forget, she reminds me..how lucky I am).
Happy 4th Birthday Lancelot, you 3 legged wonderdog.
Happy Anniversary of Elvis's death. TCB
I'snt it Lance thats T C B ? Even if it's just dogstuff?
Yeh!! Ben's walking. Yeh!!! Isabelle's now 4. wow, where does time go. I'm nearly medicare age - boo.
Love, aunt chris
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