Ben is yelling into the fan currently. Like an idiot from stupidville, I decided to make a chicken dish....in the oven for dinner. So now as if it wasnt warm enough in the house...it's even warmer. Leave it to me to make a bad situation worse.
I worked on a project today and completed it! With ben's 1st birthday coming up, I started thinking about how I still havent scrapped Isabelles first birthday... I have a ton of pics...what am I waiting for the perfect moment? Well instead of doing several 12x12 pages...I went into my stash and got out an a simple scrapbook (no protective covers), square that I got a target on clearance years back and never used.... I just started laying out the pictures in it..... I threw some sesame street (the party theme) and birthday stickers all over it...I did a little journaling...........and called it done! It's nothing special or fancy by any means....but it's done...all the pictures in one spot together and viewable... so... I am happy with that.
Tomatos are growing like...well, tomatos! They are soooo good....heaven sent for sure. I'm starting to feel like it is tomato nation over here...it's crazy. I'd say tomatos are my favorite part of the garden....except.....for..... PUMPKINS! They are definetly on their way....and they are taking over the garden and I am afraid that Noah secretly hates me because I asked him to plant them and now they are overwhelming everything else........but OH well, how fun they will be in the fall! Our very own pumpkin patch! I'll make Isabelle sit out there and wait for the great Pumpkin to arrive.
So latley since we have been watching bats outside a bit...Isabelle is obessed with bats. She wants to look them up in books and talk about them. We worked on projects today and she even asked me to help her make a BAT. So we did and now she flies it around everywhere with her and it even sat next to her at dinner. My little weirdo.
Ben keeps shutting my fan off...not to happy about that. Maybe I'll just color in Isabelle's dragon tales coloring book for a while and call it a day.
1 comment:
The kids are adorable, but the tomatoes are mouth-watering. Wish I could be up there to squeeze them all - the kids and the tomatoes!!!
Happy Birthdays to Isabelle & Ben
Aunt Chris & Bill XXXX
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