Photos my brother sent me. A self portrait of my brother--------------->

A photo of Irish Elviss -->
It's kind of blurry but you get the picture!

So I recently purchased and ate a real to goodness, fresh pineapple!
(Fact: Bette Midler used to work in a pineapple factory). It was super. When I was little I used to believe I would get slivers in my tounge if I ate real pineapples. I dont believe that any more. Talking about fruit, I really must say that I am so disappointed in the
Strawberries that I have been getting from the store lately! Not only are they not that sweet (I know its not the greatest season for their grandest tastes) but they have gotten quite rotten quite quickly. Like bam, I turn around and theres mold growing on them and I didnt even get a chance to try them. Oh well, I guess I must wait for proper timing to be statisfied in this department. Speaking of
Strawberries, our garden produces great ones in the summer. So that's something to look forward to. I remember this one song called: Strawberry Fields Forever, well that doesnt really make sense cuz strawberry fields exist only late summer in my opinion, but maybe I just don't understand.
Cheryl, have you gone totally mental? Writing about pineapple slivers and strawberry fields?? Weird.....
Just kidding, of course! :) I love to read your stories, and think they are highly entertaining! Keep at it- this is such a great blog!!
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