Fruit snacks. Juice. Cheese. Popcorn. “oh Cute”. “I love it”. “There it are”. Dora. Sponge Bob. Disney Princesses. Dancing. Bubble Baths. Friends. Bear Bear Blanket. Light up Shoes. “I do it”. Pigtails. Putting stickers all over her face and body. Wearing “Precious” Princess Dresses right now, especially a Cinderella outfit from Santa. Drawing snowmen and on her easel. She’s such a smart girl, we get nothing past her. When we color, she demands that I color more then her (she supervises the operation). She is learning her colors wonderfully. I think she will be right handed (Noah and I are both left handed!). She is such a ham for attention! She counts 1, 3. or 3, 1. She is pretty stubborn about the 2, but she’s coming around. Among many funny things she says, she calls her pajamas: Jamins and Snoopy : Doopy. She loves to perform "cheers" with beverages (and food). She has her occasional full blown outright tantrums where she throws her self to the ground in desperation to get what she wants. She gets into every single thing possible. Baby Dolls. She enjoy taking care of her baby dolls. She feeds them and sings to them and “reads” them stories. She pushes them in the stroller and sometimes she throws them across the room. She is feisty and strong headed. She is beautiful and so sweet. Books. We could read books together all day. She has no favorites, she like them all. She must turn any & all lights on whenever she can. She remembers which items are presents and who gave them to her. She has a need to climb on top of everything. My monkey. She loves to JUMP. JUMP. JUMP. Talking on her play phones (and now the real phone) is one of her favorite pastimes. She carries on some pretty interesting conversations. She likes to boss Lancelot around. She points her finger & shouts at him. She also like to feed him & give him hugs. She likes to serve tea and “saza” (pizza). Speaking of hugs, she is such a snuggly and polite little girl. She always gives and asks for lots of hugs and kisses. She says pease and tank you, hello & goodbye all the time. Potty Training has been going slow. She like her potty o.k…but likes her diapers much better. Sleeping in her big girl bed is also a challenge for us right now. She likes to sleep with us, so when she falls asleep, I have to sneak her into her bed, but if she wakes up, she’s back in ours. She loves to clap and cheer and dance for everything. She gets so exited and giggly so much. She likes to help around the house, throwing things in the garbage (items that might not be garbage) and putting things away (full bags of groceries in the fridge or cabinet). She makes her share of messes pretty quickly too. These days she quite often talks non-stop unless she is napping. When she finally falls asleep, she looks so peaceful. She is the closest thing to heaven on earth. Isabelle is growing up so fast. I wish she could stay a toddler for a little while longer…
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