Thursday, March 31, 2011
In a VAN down by the River.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Make A Stand
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Bull or Bowl?
This week at school, Isabelle was part of the research fair. Her class did: The Life Cycle of Frogs. (I wonder if that was choosen since their class theme is: FROG (fully rely on God). When Isabelle found out that she would have to make a visual display, right away she had something in mind and asked if I could get some clay. Well, when the day came to create her project, she took the assignment on with a passion. she was so excited to make her FROG world. I was prepared to help her but, I really didn't need to. She had a vision and she knew what she was doing, it was awesome. Also, Ben wanted to make his own Frog diaroma, as you can see in the picture, he did a SUPER job as well! The kids are offically on Spring Break (and so am I). Honestly, I think I needed a break from the school routine more than they did. It's freezing outside these days, so I really hope it warms up! This week I turned 36. WOW. I seriously cannot believe that is my age, but I suppose the grey hairs on my head would help prove the theory. Once again this year, I was reminded how much that I am loved through so many amazing people in my life via calls, cards, gifts, visits, etc. Olivia has been eating everything under the sun these days. Her sleeping habits are still about the same. She is into everything possible. The outlet plugs have saved me much stress. Ben has been dressing as a cowboy every single day lately. Yesterday, I was preparing dinner, watching the kids playing out the window with the neighbor kids and all of a sudden Ben walks on the scene: as Batman. (totally unexpected since I have been used to his "cowboy suit" lately. Not only was Batman out and about, but he was wearing a big pair of mustard yellow goulashs (to boot, literally). He is such my joy. That little boy plants an unexpected smile on my face so often. I think Isabelle has forgotten that she NEEDS glasses, becauase they have been folded on the window sil for 3 days now. I guess her blindness has gone away. How fortunate for her to suddenly be able to see. hehe. Today is a SoCcEr day. Besides that, I have cleaning / decluttering / organzing on my horizon. I swear, I seriously cannot keep up with these people at all these days. They undo what I do before it is done. Cute little monsters that destroy my existance. Loud and messy constantly moving beings that unravel my plans. Yet, I keep them. Something tells me I have to. Last night Ben helped me make homemade applesauce. Then I made potatoe pancakes for dinner. They turned out awesome I must say. The Robins are bobbin and the sun is starting to shine...maybe there is more promise to this day then I first suspected. Good day to YOU!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Almost Spring
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Moments in the Dark of the Night
Monday, March 14, 2011
Hearts at Home
My day has ran away. In just a few minutes I have to start getting ready to pick up the children from school. My intentions of housecleaning were accomplished at a bare minimum as I wandered through my day without intention to complete my goals, but more focused on anxious feelings and endless thoughts. Feeling a little bit overwhelmed by so much to do, I know I need to get organized. I need to get a clear head so I can function. I need to snap out of this mode, whatever it is. I must create peace and make a plan. Spring is upon us, what an amazing season to celebrate. It's hard for me to believe that this spring, Isabelle will be making her First Holy Communion and Olivia will be turning one. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Ben has seemed to grow up so fast lately and I ask him to slow down but he tells me that he can't, that he is supposed to grow up...and he's right, so I allow it. I am enjoying the sun shine that peeks through the windows (although dirty windows..but I intend to clean them soon). I am excited about the paintings that I have been able to do and wish that I could find time to do more. I also know that this season in my life must be focused on taking care of my family and home and that all else will come in time. I am soooooo tired at the moment, I just want to nap. Olivia was up constantly last night. I pray for answers and change. I do all that I know in my heart to do for her, but sometimes it is not enough. Besides her sleep issues, my baby girl is a very healthy and happy little wonderment. I am wearing an Elvis shirt today. It's been a long time since I have whipped one of these out of the dark corners of the closet. Yesterday Ben asked me if Soliders and Cowboys helped Superheros get the bad guys? I answered: Yes and then he turned around and told Isabelle: Let's play Barbies! and they ran outside together. I have been making a spicy beef stir fry for a few years now, only to learn recently that Noah doens't really like it. I wish he would have told me years ago. I feel like a fool dishing out something that was possibly dreaded instead of desired. Does he really like my tator-tot casserole? Do I? Should I tell Ben that Olivia played with Woody while he was at school? Better not...some things are better left unsaid. :)