Flowers are the sweetest thing that God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. - Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts - 1858
I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. - Emma Goldman
Drinking my coffe this Saturday Morning, hazelnut creamer. Isabelle is at a sleepover, Olivia has been up for awhile and now Ben is up as well. I am having a hard time seeing the computer screen, as I have some kind of eye infection going on. Last night I finally had a chance to go out with some of my girlfriends (no children), a planned dinner that I have been looking forward to for a while, and I went, but the night was mostly unenjoyable as my eye got worse to the point of headache and wanting to throw up so, I cut the night short and came home and felt miserable the rest of the night (especially considering that Olivia wanted my attention, was not happy and would not go to sleep). Ben was such a great little helper, getting me water and helping me with Olivia and singing us songs and praying that I would feel better. It seems a little better today, but if not I guess I will have to make a trip to the dr. (trying to avoid). This past week went by like a whirlwind, every night we had something going on: ballet, girlscouts, birthday party, etc. I am happy that the fall weather is back. Noah made this really great beef barely soup that we have been eating for a few days now. Speaking of beef, our freezer in the basement went out without our knowledge and the basement began to smell horrible...we learned that no, there is not a dead person down there, but a bunch of defrosted meat. Disqusting and costly clean up. This Friday Isabelle brought home a not so great spelling test grade and I realized we didnt study enough this week. She now has 15 words instead of 10 and they are much harder than 1st grade words. So, we defintely are going to kick up some serious study/homework time every night. 2nd grade is a much more serious ballgame. Luckily, she can take a make up test on we will try our best to get her prepared. I almost think today might be a two coffe cup day. Lots of cleaning and organizing ahead. Maybe I can even sneak a smidge of fun in as well...of course this will all depend on if I can see or not. Happy Saturday!