Tuesday, October 28, 2008
PuMpKiN gUtS
Monday, October 27, 2008
T&T continued..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Downtown T&T
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Parking It.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Harvest Moon
Here Isabelle sports a spider HaT that she made at school. She wore it for two days straight, she was so happy and proud of it. She even let Ben wear it (which is amazing). Speaking of Spiders, the actual ones in my house will finally go with the season's decor. yeah.
In other news: I spoke too soon regarding Ben's potty training, we have taken a back step, as he currently has NO interest in this subject. I remember Isabelle did the same thing for awhile. So, I am not going to push it, just keep suggesting it and see if it kicks back into gear again, because honestly, he was doing so great! He really understands the concept well. He even started with a little routine of his own....book, toliet paper, etc. We made a small addition to our apple crack snack from a few days ago. We discovered that Isabelle likes peanutbutter on the cracker instead of cheese. SO theres yet another option. When recently discussing jewerly with Isabelle, I learned something new. If it is not gold jewerly, it is: "SILVERWARE". There has been a request change (or should I say addition) to Isabelle's costume this year. She is going as little orphan annie and she is super excited, but she did ask me yesterday, if she could - please, please, please get some vampire teeth to go with her costume. Annie with Vampire teeth...should be interesting. Can't say shes not my daughter, that's for sure. I am remembering back to when I was snow white with a head injury.......
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Kisses & Crack
This photo is of an easy after-school snack that I recently discovered (on Kraft foods.com) and tried for the first time this afternoon. They were a total hit among the taste-testers (Isabelle, Ben and myself). They are called: Apple & Cheese Snacks but, I have renamed them: APPLE CRACKS cuz I think it sounds cooler.
You need: 24 RITZ Crackers (we made 12 so I cut ingred. requirement in 1/2)
6 KRAFT 2% Milk Singles, cut into quarters
12 thin apple slices, cut into quarters
ground cinnamon
Make It
TOP crackers with Singles and apples.
SPRINKLE with cinnamon.
Kitchens Tips
Serving Suggestion
Serve with an 8-oz. glass of fat-free milk or fruit juice.
Serve It Hot
Assemble as directed; place on microwaveable plate. Microwave on HIGH 20 sec. or until Singles are slightly melted.
Today is one of those dreary rainy days in which I wish I could have worn my pajamas all day, in fact I think I might put them on now. Today I tried to get Isabelle to wear an orange halloween shirt and she wouldn't wear it because this summer while we were doing a bonfire and she was asking about coyotes, I told her that coyotes like to eat little girls that wear orange (she was wearing orange). Today I took Ben to storytime at the library. He didnt want to sit for the stories but he did enjoy the snack and craft! Tonight I will be making Tater Topped Casserole for the evening meal. Signing off for now! Keep warm, well & dry!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Wind Whispered
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Barbies & Trains Oh My
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What's your name? & CARS
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Happy Apple
In other news: I was up at 5ish this a.m. I even managed to take a shower today. Yet we somehow managed to be a smidge late for school. It's raining today, so I blame it on the rain (although it wasn't raining at the time). I was rejected by our local co-signment shop today when I tried to go peddle my wares. This shop takes housewares, clothes, etc. I was really looking forward to unloading some loot that did not sell at our garage sale. I do plan to give and donate, but first, I really wanted to make a few more glorious bucks if I could manage to do so. ANyway, they are all filled up with merchandise and I need to check back in a few weeks. So, I know the invention of the sliding cutting blade on the plastic wrap box is supposed to be a benefit and greatly appreciated by users, but I for one, hate this type box/device with a passion. It just doesnt work properly for me, I always have to wind up getting my scissors out to cut that damn plastic wrap from the box. What happened to the good old little saw edge of the box that they used to have instead of this complicated slicer thing. Ok, sorry had to vent - now i'm done. So, I think that I have come the conclusion that I can never talk properly on the telephone again. Unless both of my kids are locked in a closet on the other side of the house. I totally give up. I don't even attempt to make phone calls anymore. I just can't seem to manage simple tasks such as this. Why talk on the phone when you can't hear a darn thing and you have little people pulling at you the whole time? Email...now that's good. I can manage that for the most part. Tonight for dinner I will either make: Tried and True Spaghetti or Chicken Crescent Squares. Not sure yet. I am proud to announce that I have offically started the "halloween" season in my home...I have bought a bag of candy corn. Better go...I hear Ben throwing dog food into Lance's water bowl.