What a great meeting! No spells were cast (well, not really - maybe one). We dined and we discussed. The book is about the Salem Witch Trials. It is very sad, but it is well written. There was a lot of good topics to review. This book is recommended, but if you do read it, be prepared at times to be mad and sad while reading as there are many injustices brought to light. We closed our evening with a (tad bit spooky) candle light night stroll down the country road. Thank you ladies for a Thought Provoking & Enjoyable Evening with FrIeNdS. Looking forward to the next one! 1000 White Women: The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Literature Review at it's Finest
What a great meeting! No spells were cast (well, not really - maybe one). We dined and we discussed. The book is about the Salem Witch Trials. It is very sad, but it is well written. There was a lot of good topics to review. This book is recommended, but if you do read it, be prepared at times to be mad and sad while reading as there are many injustices brought to light. We closed our evening with a (tad bit spooky) candle light night stroll down the country road. Thank you ladies for a Thought Provoking & Enjoyable Evening with FrIeNdS. Looking forward to the next one! 1000 White Women: The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus
Monday, September 29, 2008
Chai Tea & Cold Lunch
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oh Deer.
Open House was nice, I enjoyed the classroom part - but the book fair part of it was somewhat chaotic. Isabelle was allowed to pick one book (barbie diamond castle) and I picked one book for her (pinkalicious) and then she could pick one bookmark (a yellow one with a kitty on it).
I don't think that I slept much at all last night, my brain won't settle down. I am quite exhausted. Must brew the coffee and find the shower....here's to another day! p.s. - The Office Season Premere is on this evening!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Here comes Trouble
Kids are weird. Let's be honest. I claim to have 2 little weirdos and thats fine by me. They make life interesting. They make me laugh. They are odd little balls of energy and I wouldn't rather have them any other way. I have to say that this sibling fighting lately though, now that has been extremily challenging. They fight over every toy, every piece of food, every spot, every bit of attention that they can get. There is screaming, pulling, smacking, kicking, etc. I never understood why it bothered my mom when my brother and I would fight, I always thought to myself...it's our fight, why do you care? Well, now I KNOW.
Ben is now in the stage also in which I do not want to go to any type of store with him at all! What a nightmare. We were just in the grocery store and I wanted to leave before we even got out of the car but he already undid his buckle and was in my front seat, so I figured might as go in and get groceries or we will be eating soup crackers for dinner. Really, why can someone not invent a drive through grocery store around here? I would gladly pay twice (maybe even triple) the amount so I would not have to torture myself through the store with this boy child who just happens to create a total stress-filled destruction path as he goes. I am lucky to come out of the store with even one item that was on my list, and extra lucky if I managed to throw enough things for a complete meal into my cart.
Now, I must get some projects ready for my MOPS meeting tomorrow. Lots of prep work to do. We have open house at Isabelle's school tonight. I am excited to go check out her learning enviornment. Tonight I think I will keep dinner simple. My plan at the moment is: BLT's and Vegetable Soup. I was looking for minestrone, but Ben was taking all the cans off of the shelf at the time, so I decided to just stick with what I could find easily and move on. Did I remember the bacon?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
25% Off
I tried to sell Lance for 25% off (since he is missing one leg) or Make An Offer. Although there was some interest, he was not sold.
I tried to sell the kids 2 for 1. There was absoutley NO interest in that. I question why.
Lots did sell. It was quite a successful event.
WE still have lots of stuff. (plans are in the works other outlets to sell, for donating, etc) I just want the stuff gone! Part of my declutter my life plan.
Customers - Most people were super nice and so fun to talk to. The best part was seeing what people were getting and why. It was so cool to see people get super excited over certain items. Of course we got the occassional crabby apple, shirtless drunk man, etc. But, again overall - great clientel. <--not sure if that is correct spelling of course I could do spell check or look it up but I am not in the mood.
Garage Sales produce many bruises.
We had a lot of repeat customers. Also, People kept asking Isabelle for her cookies after she was sold out. There was disappointment when they were gone or not offered on the following day.
Lesson learned that really holds true: One persons junk is anothers treasure.
p.s. be sure to visit garage sale BoB's Blog. Just click on his pic on the right.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Catching Fall
Ben was quite a help at the sale too... he kept rearranging and testing all the merchandise. He would also bring selected merchandise to customers as they shopped, things he wanted to suggest as a good purchase (ex: bringing an elderly gentelman a fine purple tinkerbell purse). Also, he decided that he really didnt think price stickers were a good idea, so he kept taking them off of the items and throwing them away.
I love this picture. All of a sudden a breeze came and leaves came whispering down and all around. I told Isabelle, look here comes fall! So, she decided she would try to catch it!
So, we have one more day of sale. It's going pretty well all together and we are having fun, but I am so ready for it to be over. I will give a little report of the overall event later on. Coming soon there will be a new fun on going feature on my blog including "Garage Sale Bob" and his journeys! Good Sunday ya'all!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Haircut & Bus Boy
BEN AND HIS BUS - Ben will go nowhere these days, if his bus is not invited and included. Bus! Bus! Bus! Ben's bus goes in the car, Ben's bus goes to the nursery, Ben's bus goes to menards, Ben's bus goes to the grocery store. Ben shows everyone he meets his bus. He informs them loud and clear that it is indeed a "BUS". Then he points to me and adds: "mom".
For Sale
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Technicolor Dream Isabelle
Monday, September 15, 2008
Strange Days Indeed
What a dreary day. I don't know why, but I felt like taking some pictures on the way to school this morning. It's been raining for serveral days. All weekend we have had family here helping us get ready for our big garage sale. I am actually feeling a bit overwhelmed and depressed by how much stuff we have. Over ten years of stuff to sort through. Wow. I must say, it is the most amazing and freeing feeling - to let it all go. To declutter our lives. I know I will be excited once it's all gone, but....in the mean time this process has been somewhat exhausting (mentally mostly).
Tonight, I will make slow cooker salsa chicken for supper. That's about all I know at the moment. Good day.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Something Fishy...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
o.k. so other news....
Noah was filmed for a commercial for his company the other day. He said it felt like fake/cheesy, I can't wait to see how it turned out! hehe
I attended the first meeting of a newly established book club with friends. We discussed The Other Boleyn Girl (among Other things) and the book got mostly: Toast of The Town reviews. Our next read is: The Heretic's Daughter by I forgot.
Isabelle next week will be going to the Apple Orchard on a School Field Trip. I love apple orchards! How fun for her. Isabelle asked me last night if she had Buttefingers? She said "If I have buttefingers that means that I am not really good at holding a ball."