Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
1st day Kindergarten
Ben grabs his backpack and inserts himself into the photo shoot.
I did not cry. I thought that I would, but I did not. (her 2 preschool first days, I was an quite emotional basket case). I prepared myself all summer and I prepared Isabelle for this day. This day that I oh so dreaded, yet at the same time could not wait for it's arrival....It was so great, went so smooth. Happy Isabelle (to be with friends and learning!). Happy Mom (because there were no tears, fits or anxiety). Happy Ben (to get alone time with mommy). Win Win Win
Isabelle's favorite part of the day was "naptime and snacktime too and when the teacher read a letter". (parent's had to write a special short note to their kids that would be open and read on their first day, It was a suprise).
Isabelle's least favorite part of the day was "there was a very mean girl in class who was doing bad stuff to everybody and she didn't get a time out."
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
My bAbY bOy is TwO!
These last two weeks actually have been one nonstop celebration. We have done so much and I have so many photos and stories to share. After Isabelle's birthday, we spent a few days at Grandma and Grandpa's in Oak Lawn, while there we got to visit the Zoo, fun stores, Uncle Al's and his fish pond... This weekend, we got to go to the county fair and visit with more family.
I plan to be getting thank you notes out, but I did want to thank everyone for celebrating the kids birthdays with us, for being there..for the wonderful cards and gifts that were sent and given. We are truly blessed and loved.
This week will be a lot of catching up....and then on friday: I will be bringing Isabelle to Kindergarten to meet her new teacher and see her classroom! Happy Monday Everyone!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Off We Go...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Isabelle Turns 5!
If you could have one superpower what would it be?
To save my life.
What chore do you not like the most?
Cleaning up toys!
What is the last movie that you saw in the theatre?
WallE with aunt Mary!
What is your favorite song?
Tomorrow and all the Annie songs!
What is your favorite lunch?
Happy Meal. (specifically she always chooses:
hamburger, no onions or pickles, apple dippers and chocolate milk)
What is the last nice thing you did for someone?
Shared my Skittles with Ben.
What makes you mad?
When Ben takes things away.
Where do you want to go to vacation?
Disneyworld so I can meet Tinkerbell!
Whose your favorite princess?
What is your favorite TV Show?
Dragon Tales and Arthur.
What is your favorite game?
Pretty Pretty Princess
What is your favorite restaurant?
Chinese! And then I can use the porkchops! (chopsticks)
What is different now that you are five years old?
I get to do homework and I am taller with my butterfly flipflops on!