Strawberry Mice I made for a brunch.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Our Butterfly & misc.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
misc. updates
You see here, the lettuce/spinach row.
Yesterday was an Annie day around here. Watching the movie, dancing....and Ben likes to take the wig off of Isabelle and put it on himself. You should hear Ben sing Dumb Dog! If you sing it, he repeats it very clear.
It feels like an insane asylum around her lately. It has been crackers and nuts. Loud and busy. Today is the last day of school for Isabelle and tonight is her graduation. Tomorrow is a fun day at the park for her class.
Also tomorrow is my last MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group of the season, it's a brunch. Don't know what I am bringing yet. Next year, I will play a bigger role in my MOPS group. I will be on the steering team as Creative Activities Leader. I honestly, felt called to do this and I am so very excited about this opportunity.
Once Upon The End - My online papercrafting store is going so great. I am actually having a hard time trying to make things and keep up (not complaining, it's a good thing). Still working on the balancing of it all. Also, trying not to put so much pressure on myself, only doing what I can, and letting the rest go for another day. :)
Have made no new recipes lately. Although we have a new cookbook in the house: Disney's The Magic Kitchen Cookbook. I can't wait to make some of the fun stuff in there with Isabelle.
Toddler notes: I wanted to share this funny. Ben loves to push the doll stroller outside. Well, the other day, I noticed my Gnome statue missing from the back porch, I look at Ben and sure enough he is pushing it in the little stroller like its a baby. My little weirdo.
I love that whenever Ben hears music (even on a commerical), that he instantly starts dancing. I don't love that Ben is constantly throwing the dog food into the water dish.
I think I have rambled enough for this a.m. Much to do. Honey Bunches of Oats to Eat, Places to go, people to see...I don't want to be late, late, late for a very important date...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Ben's Bird
Discovery: Bird
One lovely Spring afternoon, we were all outside and Ben starting screaming and pointing at the flowers! We came over to see what the dealio (I don't say that word dealio on a normal basis at all, but I felt it to be appropriate here) was...and there was a little bird hopping around. He seemed to not be able to fly. Noah picked him up and the bird perched on him for a while. Isabelle sang to the bird a healing song (you are my sunshine) and then we released and relocated it back into the enviorment.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Dirt and Dandelions
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Tulip Picnic and Such
So, we packed a basket with tuna fish sandwiches, cheese slices, pudding and drinks...grabbed a blanket and had a nice quiet lunch outside among nature's best. Just the perfect weather and peace (usually Ben is a hurricane to all situations, so it was nice to just have calm). Isabelle (with dirt on her nose) and I talked about the important things in life: like why Cinderella's step sisters wouldnt let her go to the ball with them and the inquiries such as "Mom, did they have bikes when you were little?".
Noah just sent me a pic from his phone of ben after his hair cut. Ben does not look happy.
It looks now like its going to rain. It's going to rain on my laundry. Yesterday, the kids were playing fine. Ben was sitting in a diaper box. I went outside to get the mail, came back in and Isabelle was yelling and running toward me: Ben hurt himself! Ben was crying and running toward me...His NOSE was bleeding all over the place! He moved the box over next to this little desk, must have tipped it over and hit his face. This little boy has bled more within his baby existance (nose, lip, mouth, finger,etc) than Isabelle has her entire life. I can't believe that Isabelle will soon be having a graduation from preschool. I can't believe they are going to have a little ceremony. The bummer part is it is on a wednesday night, so relatives wont be able to come out for it. Good thing I have my Video Camera! I will be signing Isabelle up for her first dance class this summer, so that should be fun! The garden vegetables are starting to slowly rise beyond the dirt. Isabelle is currently picking me some dandielions. I guess I should go get some work done! Remember to smell the Tulips, they fleet way too fast!
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