I have no NEW YEAR pics of the children so I thought I would throw a recent project that I made up for your viewing pleasure. This is a mini box of cards with love quotes on them.
I have not written in a while I realize, wow. I think I have been in the duldrums of the new year. Excited about the fresh start (new calendars, high organizing and other standard resolution type goals), but on the other hand...the bitter winter takes it's toll on the soul after awhile. Cabin fever gets a little overwhelming....and we have a long way to go. I will just try and make the best of it I tell my self as I start each new day.
The tempartures are going to be falling back into the below 0's. At least the sun is shining and we are warm inside at the moment.
The kids are doing swell. Isabelle now can offically spell and write her entire first name. I am so proud of her. Ben is talking more little words and understanding more and more. He tries to "help out" with daily routine as much as possible. Example" - If he finds Isabelle's sippy cup thrown on the floor, he picks it up and brings it to the sink! If he takes his coat off when we come in, he walks to the coat hook and gestures for me to hang it up there for him and of course he still has his obession with the garbage can. Although he mostly is throwing away garbage, we still have to watch him. Recently I found a book in there and also a baby from Isabelle's doll house.
Isabelle's current favorite show is ANNIE. She sings annie songs all day long and pretends annie scenes throughout the day as well. I have been so lucky to take on the role of ms. hannigan in Isabelle's play. Well, I guess it could be worse, I could of won the part of Sandy the dog, but that went to Ben.
I have a new obession myself. This year I am going to take on the skill/craft of book binding. I want to hand make my own books! Journals, notebooks...the possiblities are endless! How exciting! I guess this would be a natural interest of mine since I am so in love with the thought of a book in general. Ive always found binding so interesting...and now, I am starting simple, with the easiest techinques. I've just started my research, and Ive made a few easy items, and I have to tell you that it is so fun! I feel an addiction coming on. Someday, I hope to make nice books out of leather and such.....wouldn't that be the greatest? wow. So anyway, I begin this journey with great excitement.
I havent really made any new meals lately. NOah has been doing most of the cooking latley. He wants to. He enjoys the entire process (purchasing, planning, preparing (but not cleaning up of course). I get to make the occassional spaghetti or meatloaf, but thats about it. Some people think it is grand to have your husband want to cook. Seriously, it is nice to try his gourment meals and to get the break the from the kitchen duty in that aspect. But on the other end of the spectrum, he is making these fabulous meals that taste so great (that I really shouldnt be eating, like if I was eating my somewhat crappy dinners, I wouldnt be eating so much!), he likes to put a lot of spice in the meals so Isabelle doesnt like them half the time (ben will eat anything though), then there is eating on the scheudle he wants, these meals take a long time so sometimes we are getting the kids in bed later than I want and then the clean up is horrendous too. So, ladies - as this may sound like a great dream for some, trust me as I say, its nice, but I kind of miss being in control of that aspect of home life.
I am so excited that I have registered for a conference in March. It is called Hearts at Home. It is informational workshops and social gathering for Mothers. A group of my friends attend and I am so thrilled to be joining them this year. I hear that it is a very emotional and heartwarming event. The best part....NO kids allowed! hehe