Visiting Santa. Ben is trying to evaluate the situation. Isabelle tells santa she wants ear muffs and a bathroom.

Ben finally decides, hey I don't like this.

Isabelle putting ornaments ON the tree.
Ben taking ornaments OFF the tree.
These days of late have been extremily busy. On top of illnesses (yes, still!) and other things, we recently had an ice storm that knocked out our power for almost 24 hours! Oh Winter Bliss is among us. I can't believe how quickly Christmas will be arriving, I am so unprepared. I don't even know if I will get Christmas cards out this year...and if I do, they may not be homemade! (I know shocking!). Any HOOT, (owls are making such a grand comeback...well I suppose they never actually "Left"), that is all I have to report at the coffee is waiting and Alice in wonderland (aka Isabelle in her alice in wonderland dress) is waiting for her Juice.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things -Philippians 4:8