3 bakerS in The NighT KitcheN (ben, belle, aunt mary)
Well we started baking for the holiday season already. The turkey decor isn't even down yet! But, it is never too soon to make cut out sugar cookies! I had to take a picture of these 3 stooges as they created the festive masterpieces. For some reason these fun, messy bakers remind me of the story: In the night kithen by Maurice Sendak (author of where the wild things are).
I can't believe there is Ice on our windows already. My new favorite at home coffee is: dunken donuts brand. Currently, Noah is making homemade cinnamon rolls this morning. Ben is still sleeping, Mary is reading nursery rhymes to Isabelle. I recently began reading a new book: Roasting in Hell's Kitchen by Gordon Ramsay. Ben's most recent Dr. Visit was quite a success for he is doing very well (aside from the fact that we all have colds to some degree right now). Isabelle's class made stone soup at school recently. Her job was to bring the barley. She talked about stone soup for a week straight, couldnt wait...after school we picked her up and asked her what she thought of stone soup...she responded that: it was yuk but I liked the crackers!