There was a few moments that I looked over at Isabelle watching the show, and I almost felt like crying. Not to get all sappy and such...but I just love to see her so happy and my mind simply can't wrap around the fact that she is this little girl now...no longer a baby...but more and more her own person everyday and that she is so beautiful. All in All it was a swell time.
Later in the day we went out to lunch at a chinese restaurant. When the waitress asked Isabelle what she wanted she answered: I would like a hot dog please. With ketchup.
My Esty Store has been so great. Ive been working on a lot of paper projects lately. I have my first international customer! Someone from Australia is buying a book I made! I think that's really cool. (If I can figure out the postal/shipping correctly). The house is neglected. I wish I could hire someone to come deep clean and de-clutter. I am trying to gain some focus. I can never establish a proper routine. This chaos makes me feel like "if I only had a brain". But, I don't give up ...I don't give in. It's been so cold and dark lately. We've all been on the verge of sickness. I think I have been wearing the same sweatshirt for 3 days. I need to really pull out my winter clothes. My clocks are always off. It feels like autumn has gone, yet it has not begun yet... I can't believe Halloween is in just a few days. I even forgot that we are supposed to carve pumpkins! That will be fun with Ben I'm sure. Haha. Recently we have made several meals for freezing and we have actually used them so much lately...beef stew, chili, chicken soup (tonight). I must get Ben a proper stocking. Isabelle asked if we can make muffins tomorrow. I don't know if I have ingredients for muffins...oh maybe pumpkin spice muffins I do. I think once my head finally hits the pillow tonight, that I will be in a nice deep slumber. It's been a long day...a long week. Goodnight dear Friends & Family.