So, the (wonderful, amazing, leaf crunching, crisp air) season is upon us. The season of footy pajamas! Is there anything more comforting in life then footy pajamas? I think not.
My coffee tasted a little "soapy" this morning, so I dumped it out and started a new pot, yet the taste still lingers. Yuk!
We picked our garden pumpkins recently, that took all of about a minute. The garden is defintely winding down. I have canned tomatos, I have sauced tomatos, I have given tomatos, I have incorporated tomatoes, I think I am done for the season.
Recently we did a bonfire with smores and I forgot how good smores are! I wonder why we don't do that more often? Speaking of the bonfire area of our yard...apparently a few weeks ago while my family was slumbering...some drunken teenagers drove right through our yard becuase they missed the stop sign and didn't realize the road ended! LOVELY.
School is in full swing for Isabelle. She already had picture day (crossing fingers that photo will be cute and adorable). Isabelle comes home from school with many stories. I don't know if she learned this song at school or MOPS, but the other day she started singing: "bringing home a baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be so proud of me". Then of course, I chimed in with great enthusisasm (sorry if im miss spelling or bad grammer today), because this song brought back great memories of my youth as I used to sing this song in brownies/girl scouts! It was neat to hear her singing it now. So far Isabelle has worked on the letters A and B in school. I'm betting the letter C may be next...
I started selling some things on ebay (so far the experience has been interesting & fun but I haven't made much money). Im learning alot and it is neat and thrilling, the whole process from interacting with people from all over and learning, that my stuff may be their treasure! hehe One of the funnest <--is that a word? parts is putting together the packages with a little extra fun touch or surprise.
I have been trying to get a lot of paper projects done. I am selling some on ebay, but I have also opened a little store on this site called Etsy. It's where to go to buy and sell handcrafted goods. When my store is ready, I will put the address here, but as of right this moment, I only have 3 things listed so far! This is exciting I must say.
Who would have thought that new "green" Shrek toothpaste would make Isabelle think I am the greatest mom on the planet? Uh oh, Ben is eating something and I didnt give him anything! Be right back......o.k., it was pretzel from yesterday that he must have found. He finds everything! As I was over there, I also discovered that he is stinky so I must not linger long.
Did I mention my most recent appliance/equipment nightmare? My vaccum practically caught on fire the other day! Here I am vaccuming, almost done with the living room, when I smell a scent almost like burning leaves, yet more like burning rubber! Then I turn around and there is massive amounts of dark grey smoke coming out of the shop vac! I ran to the wall and unplugged it, grabbed ben from the pack n play and evacuated the house, finding Noah and telling him the vaccum is on fire! Well, come to learn it was nothing I did, the thing was old and shot. So, needless to say, I don't need to vaccum at the moment (because I can't) besides, I have Ben to pick up any thing that needs not to be on the floor (well besides toys).
We have a birthday party this morning for Isabelle's friend and a barbaque this afternoon for a family friend, so I better get going I have presents to wrap, dishes to make ...oh and I have that diaper to change!