Isabelle & Lance enjoying a spring afternoon together. (this is rare to find them sitting peacefully next to eachother without ball stealing or tail pulling).

I caught Ben in the act of pulling all the books off the bookshelf. (One of his current favorite things to do).

A recent visit to the park...Isabelle pushes Ben on the Swing. He doesn't look too thrilled here...but he was very content with the situation. hehe
Let me just throw out some misc. musings at this time: Ben offically has his first tooth! It is coming through the bottom gum in the middle. I am thinking of ideas for Isabelle's birthday party (not til august but doesnt hurt to start gathering ideas). I am thinking maybe a Mad Hatter (or fairy)Tea and Picnic Party. She is really liking alice in wonderland lately. Has anyone in my family heard of the invention called the garbage can? Just wondering. Isabelle needs more sand for her sandbox. The hummingbird sightings have started.. Also saw an oriele the other day as well. Can I reveal my displeasement with the recent postal stamp increase? I mean...geez, I just bought some stamps and there was no mention of this...so now I have to buy the add on funds stamps and that is just annoying. A non-nancy drew mystery has been solved. We found what we suspect to be our gone missing in the middle of winter outside cat...to be deseased laying under a tool/equipment in the workshop. I evalutated the remainder markings that I could Identify and I concluded, it was probably definetly baby-fur the cat. I am so excited that we planted pumpkins this year. (last year noah skipped it, this year I made sure they made the cut to be included in the garden plantation). I also had him plant "magic beans" for Isabelle to take care of. I need a new book to read. Not sure what I am in the mood for. I woke up this morning from a dream about a children's story that I should write, so immediately wrote down the idea and have been working on it this morning. Let's just say it it is not about a zebra and it is about a likeness for soup. That's all I can reveal at this time about this project. How fun to be inspired with a new idea for a story! I wish that I could get Ben a helmet for his head, he bangs it many times a day. Well, so does Isabelle...I should get her a helmet too. I made hot artichoke dip this weekend. I think that is my all time favorite appetizer ever. Well....cocktail meatballs are pretty good too. Haven't had those in a long time. The season finale of The Office will be this thursday. I really want to go to the bristal renissance faire sometime in the near future, I think Isabelle would love it. I think I will make sun tea today.Ben has his 9 month Dr. appt. tomorrow. My little boy is growing so fast... Isabelle has not stopped talking to me the entire time that I have written this entry...so sorry if theres much mispelling and non sense, non concluded thoughts. Now I have to go get her a strawberry shortcake bandaid because her ankle is bleeding. Go off happily & triumphly into the world and Good Day to you!