Monday, April 30, 2007
Flower Tasting
Hair Today, Gone tomorrow.
I got my hair cut. Short. Shorter then I can remember ever getting it. I couldn't stand the length any longer. Every day recently, I would throw it in a pony tail and off I went into the world. So, Ive been researching shorter hairstyles and I have always loved Mariska Hagerty's (olivia benson, law and order svu) hair when it was short and flippy. Stylish..Cool and Cute, all in one. So, that's the style I went for. Not sure how close my hair cut is to what style that I intended to replica. I mean, I don't have the fan's blowing on it making it look cool like she does in the commercials and such. I think I need time to accept my new hair as I am currently having hair cutters remorse. I'm not sure how to style it or what products to use. I just wanted something simple, that I didn't think need to think about, but now I feel like I am thinking about it and messing with it more. I see all these longer styles now and I think, that could have been me. It didn't help when I came home from my hair cut and Isabelle looked petrified and asked me to get my hair back. I tried to put it up the other day and I couldn't and got a little sad. I needed a change and this felt like a good change for me. I think it will be good. I just have to get used to it. I must admit it's easier to wash and its kind of fun in a funky kind of way. I have to give it time and see what I can do with it. The photo I provided is not the best to highlight it's features and options ( its all flat and weird from the wind and elements of the great outdoors), but it gives the idea. I guess the point of my little pondering is that...I may never be satisfied with the hair that I choose at the time...but I can keep trying until I get it right. I need to let go of what's gone. It's a little too short now for my liking...but maybe I have to give it more of a chance. Maybe I will learn that I do like it and maybe even love it ...and if will grow... it is hair after all.
Veggie Tales

Bones & Nuts

Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Rainy Day

Miss Belle watering the garden on one of the non-rainy days recently.
Princess of Quite- A-lot
The other day I entered the dining room to find these 3 items on the table just like this. I thought it kind of neat as each item represents my family members. Noah's blackberry, Isabelle's doll and Ben's block.
MISC. CHATTER - We have all been getting past our colds, so that is making life a little easier. I just realized today that Isabelle's first year of school is almost over (end of May)! I can't believe it. I don't know what I am going to do with her all summer. Maybe sign her up for military summer sleep away camp. I can't believe Ben all of a sudden. This kid is on to new and exciting adventures everyday. He just decided he's going to start standing. (holding on to something, but none the less standing). He stands at the couch , he stands in the pack n play. Noah and Ben play this new game, Noah sticks his tongue out at Ben and Ben slaps it back into Noah's mouth and they both laugh. Lance is busy chasing squirrels as usual. I am trying to do some spring cleaning and house organization. But, I am bored with that so I am moving on to better things. Such as I just started reading a book calleed: The true story of Hansel and Gretel. A novel of war and survival. In movie news, I just saw THE DEPARTED and I absolutley LOVED it. I can't wait for the new Shrek to come out. Maybe Isabelle and I can plan a date to the picture show. A little while ago she was playing pretend with the magnets on the fridge. Elvis was the mom, cookie monster was the dad and a dinasour was the baby. They were going to a dance party. Soon I will be chopping off much of my hair. I am so tired of long hair, I need a change. I think if I counted how many times a day that I told Isabelle: no, stop or let go of would range in the thousands. Hickery, Dickery Clock... that kill joy....I must go begin the dinner preperations.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Call the rabbit?

Monday, April 09, 2007
Eggsllent Hoppity

Thursday, April 05, 2007
It sure is Spring Out!

- According to Isabelle, "It sure is spring out".
- Isabelle saying: "I like shromp! I eat it with my dingers". translation - I like shrimp, I eat it with my fingers.
- Isabelle informed me today that she does not have a golden ticket and neither do I.
- Ben is a maniac! He is all over the place. He drags himself from one end of a room to the next room in like two seconds! He is practically full blown crawling! He likes to play tag with lance. Ben reaches him and lance licks his face, gets up and leaves. Then they do it again.
- my refrigerator needs to be cleaned out. too many leftovers looming in there, taking up valuable space.
- Speaking of lovely clothes dryer isnt working right lately- so..I have to wait til a sunny non rainy day to do my laundry so I can hang it on the line. Those days are far and few between today I braved it...but my fingers froze as I hung them on the line. I think I washed enough clothes for today.
- Isabelle recenty re-discovered her giant bouncey ball that santa gave her.
The kind of ball with the handles..that the kid jumps on all over the house...well my question is, what the heck was Santa thinking when he (she) decided on that gift? Seriously. - Ben is now in size 4 diapers. I dont think Isabelle reached size 4 until she was like 1 or something.
- Isabelle names everything (dolls, imaginary friends, herself ): Kay Kay. Always. I don’t know why she likes this name or where it comes from.
- Isabelle's favorite current movie is: Peter Pan.
- Isabelle asked for SUN eggs today. I usually make her scrambled eggs. So, I made her SUN eggs. She informed me that I did not make them the way daddy makes them. But, she ate them anyway, cuz Mary eats SUN eggs.
- The Office - there is a brand new episode tonight. I can't wait. It looks like it will be a good one. Roy is going to attempt to kill Jim.
Where the wild things are....